We still feel incredibly luckily that we managed to avoid IVF treatment last minute, but it did not ever take away the worry throughout pregnancy that something was going to go wrong and that we would be straight back on the IVF train again.
Fortunately little man arrived last Thursday by unplanned Caesarean section. I had an “easy” pregnancy, but at my last midwife’s appointment my bump hadn’t grown and a scan revealed slow growth with not enough fluid around baby. This lead to failed inductions (by pessary and hormone drip) and a last minute section due to baby’s heart rate dropping significantly during each contraction.
Motherhood is so much harder than I could ever have imagined, but I am oh so grateful that we got there and his cheeky little face makes every hard moment worth it.
Welcoming Hugo, who is our little Miracle boy after being diagnosed with extremely low AMH and MFI.
Thank you for words of support previously. I have trawled this site every single day, even during pregnancy, and I am sure I will continue to do so, looking out for hopeful happy endings xx