Hydroxychloroquine: Hello ladies. Hope... - Fertility, Miscar...

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Hallj10 profile image
10 Replies

Hello ladies.

Hope you are all well and having successful fertility journeys.

I am getting ready for my last ever transfer after 4 miscarriages. I have a few problems from a uterine abnormality, adenomyosis and a clotting gene mutation.

The next step for me is adoption as I can’t keep going on with all my problems.

I have tried lots of medication so far from clexane, steroids, Prostap, high dose folic acid and double progesterone

This cycle we can’t use clexane as needed a blood transfusion after my last try!

I always a develop subchorionic haematomas which is what makes me miscarry each time around 7-8 week!

So the plan is


Progesterone suppository and IM

Folic acid

Steroids prednisolone

Just wondered if anyone had used Hydroxychloroquine before and had positive outcomes? Its very new and only had one RCT.

Look forward to hearing from you

Jenny x

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Hallj10 profile image
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10 Replies
Priyasharma profile image

I have used same protocol in last 3transfers.. currently I m on my 2ww.. Last 2 was miscarriage due to know reason..

But I m hopeful in this cycle.

Hallj10 profile image
Hallj10 in reply to Priyasharma

Thanks for the reply.

Have you managed to get pregnant with this cocktail of meds?

I give you all the hope in the world it works for you this time xx

Priyasharma profile image
Priyasharma in reply to Hallj10

Every time it was positive.

1st time miscarriage at week 5 due to known reason, 2nd time I was very sick since transfer and in frustration I left IVF medicine at day 13, later I found that I m pregnant with great beta HCG value.. but again miscarriage as I left medicine in between..

This time I m very hopeful. Let's see.. i m religiously following drs. Instructions.

Hallj10 profile image

Good luck my lovely. The 2ww is horrific but just stay busy and positive x

Barenina profile image

Hi! I had two miscarriages last fall after both fresh and frozen cycle at around 7-8 weeks.

I was on Hydroxychloroquine both times, but during my last miscarriage I checked progesterone and it was abnormal low.

So this time I am on all the same supplements as you ++

Cyclogest 800 x 2 (double dose)

HCG trigger shots, 6 clicks every 6th day

Folic acid and methyl folate

Steroids prednisolone 10mg


I am currently 5 weeks pregnant after a 3 day embryo transfer.

Am so nervous and scared as I had a missed miscarriage last August. Waiting for my 7 weeks scan. Debating if I should take more HCG blood tests to see if it’s developing ok, but I also find this stressful so not sure what’s best/worst.

I also had a subchorionic haematomas during my first pregnancy which made me bleed from week 11 and I gave birth at 25 weeks. Or at least one gynecologist thoughts she saw a small one at the 12 weeks scan.

Is there anything we can do to avoid getting this? They have given me klexane before but I just had a test showing I don’t have a clotting issue.

Good luck in your two weeks wait 💫

It’s so hard I know. What a brutal journey you’ve had.

I really hope the best for you!

Hallj10 profile image
Hallj10 in reply to Barenina

Hi. Great to hear from you. Sounds like you have had a very similar journey to me.

I am on the hydroxychloroquine for a month now to try with my last day 5 AB embryo end of June.

I have never had progesterone tested but going onto Lubion this time along side the pesseries so we will see.

Two changes to my cocktail so 🤞

Nothing really for the SCH. I had clexane last time and bled so much it was horrific. I can’t have it again. I was put on strict rest all times but that didn’t help either.

I seem to get cramps and bleeding around 6 week from the SCH with a heart beat then miscarry a week later. Literally 4 times exactly the same!

I’m just going to get on with life this time. If I work I miscarry if I rest I do currently so not going to go mad but just try and get on with life. Should help with the 2WW too 🤞

Good luck and I hope this little bean sticks for you until full term xx

Barenina profile image
Barenina in reply to Hallj10

Ok, so you are having a FET at the end of June. Good you already started the hydroxychloroquine 👍

I’ve read about cases where it made all the different after multiple miscarriages.

I understand about resting and going crazy… I try to live my life as normal as possible but already I am stationed mostly on the couch watching “this is us” and wishing it was back to winter and COVID time. Not everyone wants to outside and party 🫣😂

Let me know how it goes for you, keeping my fingers crossed for the both of us.

Also, adopting sounds like a really good alternative. I wish I had gone down that road many years ago. Here in a Norway it takes on average 5 years to get a kid adopted from abroad (there are almost non to adopt from here) and I just don’t have the energy for that process if it doesn’t work now. I will also be to old I think. (Turning 40 this year)

Good luck to you sweets💫.

Hallj10 profile image

Ahh thank you. Yes il be going again around the 20 June. Il keep in touch.

We will see I’m not overly optimistic but have a smidge of hope. Hard when you have had such a disappointing journey so far.

Ahh that’s interesting about adopting there. I won’t be making any more embryos so that’s definitely the next step for me. I have way too many issues to keep pushing this.

This will be the one for you 🤞 xx

Barenina profile image
Barenina in reply to Hallj10

Sorry but so curious now, how is the adoption process over there?

Hallj10 profile image
Hallj10 in reply to Barenina

So sorry I have only just seen this message. It’s still a long process over a year usually. Few different stages with lots of checks and references and visits with interviews with family members.

Then you get matched depending on the age of the child depends how quick that can happen.

We have lots of agencies some regional, local and volunteers x

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