It has been a while since I have commented on diet but now that Rezdiffra has been approved with the requirement that it be used in combination with a diet and exercise program the docs are likely to put more emphasis on that. Thought you might be interested in how fats work.
Let's all ride on the triglyceride - Living with Fatty...
Let's all ride on the triglyceride

I am unable to access the link.
That's odd, could be you have some security tool that doesn't allow you to click on a redirect. It is a public file. Try copying the link into a different tab
Lots of great information! Thank you!
thank you for taking the time to write this andmake it available to us. Truthfully, science wasn’t my best subject so I needed to reread many sections but it was worth it because I learned a lot. Now I need to learn how to take care of me!
Thank you for sharing.
I believe lowering triglycerides is important. Not sure if it’s Losartan or Atorvastatin which I have taken for years is the one responsible, as one is probably for hypertension. My dad always had high triglycerides and ultimately chirohsis. Autopsy confirmed NASH. Everyone needs to be aware of their triglyceride level as your post suggests treatment is available.
Best Wishes,