I’m so confused my dr put I have it but my scans are always clear…. Very frustrating my liver enzymes are upper normal or at least 5 pts elevated high cholesterol normal triglycerides. Horrible diet but thin. I’m a runner. I drink VERY occasionally holidays or a dinner with friends keep to two.
can you still have fatty liver with c... - Living with Fatty...
can you still have fatty liver with clear scans?

Diet is everythingWhat's your diet like including food sweets soda and alcohol? You can't "outrun" a horrible diet
Diet Coke and I have a job where I’m on the road so a decent amount of fast food I love sweets too. It became a lot worse over the summer I’m going to change it around. I’m just having a lot of depression and anxiety and it makes me binge. Still not drinking alcohol other than maybe one or two at a party which I don’t go to very often. Maybe every few months
Diet coke contains sucralose which is terrible for your gut biome, I used to drink 2L of soda a night so I no how hard the habit can be to kick but try and find a soda alternative that has natural sweeteners like ethyritol or Stevia Also found drinking lemon water help curb those cravings fast food and sweets are so bad for you but I'm aware it's highly convenient and super addictive I also suffer from severe depression and anxiety so I understand the need to binge eat. Eventually you need to train yourself to eat for nutrients and not for pleasure, I also find eating before your hungry can help with cravings my diet is so boring but it works and eventually the cravings go away it's just the first week or two where your brain trys to do everything it can to trick you and make you give in to get its fix. I suggest maybe writing down your goals and sticking them on your windshield so you can see them constantly that way you have a constant reminder on what you want to achieve and in a way it will kind of make you feel guilty everytime you cheat. Short term you will be miserable and only think about the things you are missing out on but it gets easier and If I can do it, anyone can! I struggled with diets for over ten years before I found something that worked for me. Good luck and I'm always here if you need advice or support
Fast food the worst to eat. You can be thin and have fatty liver because what you eat or drink is not good for it (liver). Wayne, CEO is on the road a lot maybe he has some ideas once he responds on how to eat while on the road. I can help you with drinks and sweets but eat or drink moderately. On Amazon you will find drinks made with Stevia called Zevia, not bad but not coke. My favorite so far are root beer and cream soda, they have all different flavors and teas, tad expensive of course. Also, I like pasta so I buy online from Zenb made from yellow peas and nothing else. Little different texture but works. You can find no added or no sugar sauces but have to search. I find more and more made with Stevia online and in stores. You can find candy made with Stevia but I have not found baked goods. Look out for and do not eat high fructose sugar usually store bought sweets...wheat. nothing white if you bake. Some do the Keto diet successfully, you have to find what works for you. We are all different and our doctors suggest different things, this foundation does a lot of research, I trust this site explicitly. Good luck.
It's probably the Hep A you said you cleared.

About 10% of patients are lean so take your diet seriously and you might talk with your doc about possible genetic issues if you have a family history. Also, asians are often thin so race is an issue as well. Many of us have had normal enzymes until quite late in the disease.