My journey started in 2015 when my platelets had dropped to 98K from 200K + the previous years. My Primary care doctor whom I had for a few years just stood by and did absolutely nothing watching my platelets drop by over 100K! I switched primary care doctors in 2015 and my new doctor immediately requested I see a hematologist.
Needless to say, this new hematologist labeled me as a Chronic ITP (Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ) patient without ever running one single test. She would tell me to see her back in 6 months to see if my platelets had changed. This went on for nearly 2 years. I should point out that I had absolutely no symptoms at this time but just low platelets which never really impacted me.
I just stopped seeing hematologists because I felt they were not helping me. Finally right in the middle of the pandemic(Summer 2020), I started getting a slight pain on my left side ribs. I thought it was the bed because we had a mattress that was getting a bit old. I waited until spring 2021 when I had my two Covid vaccines and finally saw my primary care physician. She immediately indicated it could be the spleen. I had an ultrasound of my spleen done and it showed an enlarged spleen(16cm). A normal spleen for males is from 10-12. I saw a new hematologist who ran a few blood tests and once again indicated I had chronic ITP.
At this point, I was really getting ticked off with hematologists and saw a 3rd Hematologist. I was very direct and demanded I get certain tests done. I had started at this point to do my own research. This 3rd hematologist ordered a CT scan of my abdomen which showed Fatty liver, varices and an enlarged spleen.
I should note that my whole life I have been healthy always exercising, never abusing alcohol, trying to eat right. From 2015 on my new Primary care doctor would order all the liver tests(ALP, AST, ALT), a couple liver ultrasounds. The US always indicated "fatty liver" I would be told to eat healthy and exercise over and over which is what I have always done. I have never been obese, perhaps 10-15 pounds overweight.
Finally, my doctor ordered a GGT liver test and it came back abnormal. I was told to see a Gastroenterologist. The findings were as per the CT scan, varices, etc. I was also ordered an ultrasound but with electrography (It measures the density of the liver). I think this is what may also be called a "Fibroscan" ? Anyhow, this is the test that finally showed that I have cirrhosis stage 4. As you can imagine, this came to me like a punch in the gut. So I have cirrhosis, portal hypertension (which is when the liver cannot output all the blood and it creates all these varices). The spleen becomes enlarged as it also has problems with output of blood trapping platelets. I was put on Carvedilol which helps relieve the pressure and hopefully prevents internal bleeding from the varices.
At this stage the only symptoms that I have is the continued slight pain in the spleen and back area to the left of my left shoulder blade area. I saw a Liver specialist who confirmed all the above. She ordered an MRI and several other tests.
There are several things I have learned :
. Some doctors take shortcuts and just parrot what other doctors say. Switch doctors the minute you are not satisfied with someone.
. Standard liver enzyme tests like AST, ALT and ALP are useless without some other tests like GGT.
. Ultrasounds do not paint an accurate picture of liver disease. It's better to just get an Ultrasound with elastography or Fibroscan rather that just wasting valuable time.
At this point since February, I have lost over 12 pounds, my MELD score is 7 and my ELF is 10.52. I am diabetic but due to my continued exercise and starting the Mediterranean diet since February, I no longer take medication(A1C =6.1). I firmly believe that diet, exercise, getting enough sleep and reducing stress can do wonders. These are all things under our control. My hepatologist told me I can remain stable for years if I keep doing what I am doing. I am keeping my fingers crossed at least until we can hopefully get a liver drug on the market in the next 1-3 years. I feel it is coming.
Finally, I will leave you with stanzas from one of my favorite poems "Invictus":
"I am the Master of my fate:"
" I am the captain of my soul"