Hi all, looking at cleaning up my diet. I’m planning on using “my fitness pal” to track macros. Can anyone advise on break down of carbs, protein and fat best for fatty liver and what I should set the sodium level at. Thanks in advance.
Macro’s and sodium limits: Hi all... - Living with Fatty...
Macro’s and sodium limits

I have been using "My Fitness Pal" for over 2 yrs on a low carb diet, my 30 carbs, 134grams of protein, 89 grams of fat and it comes out to 1457 and it keeps a history each day including exercise and water intake plus you can ask bout a certain food or entree and it tell you all of what you are counting ... Good Idea !!!
HI Herman, I'm just starting out with setting up My Fitness Pal macros. I get confused with the right / safe amount of fat/proteins. I thought 35% carbs/35%protein/25-30 fats. I see you're doing 89 g of fat. Does eating this much fat help you reduce fatty liver? thanks for your reply!
I have used myfitness pal for a while as well, and it definitely came in handy for helping with my fatty liver. My goal was to be between 75-100 total carbs per day. I did not shoot for keto but just low carb.
Fat and Protein sorda fell into the same range for me as the carbs I swapped out got replaced with protein or more fats like olive oil, almonds, cheese..etc. As long as I stick to the diet (aka not too many cheat days), I ended up around 75G of Carbs, 100 Protein, 100 Fat plus/minus 25 on any of them.
Sodium is a huge pain in the butt for me to manage. Seems like every pre-made food product needed either sugar or salt. So you take out sugar because of the carbs, the salt goes through the roof.
Thank you all for your replies. They were very helpful.
Hi guys, found this also. fattyliverfoundation.org/li...
Course everyone different, but mine is set 2300mg sodium, 30 net carbs,134 protein, 89g fat and 1457 calories. RON