I got my blood work back from my doctor. My AST and ALT are now well within range, INR is normal, ferritin is normal, platelets are well within range. My triglycerides are almost normal, my cholesterol is almost normal. My fasting glucose is now normal (it previously was high). I know this means that my liver is probably functioning okay, which in the grand scheme of things is what matters, but I'm so anxious. I'm steadily losing about 6-8 lbs a month (which I'm super proud of!) I'm just so scared that I'm going to get the liverfast and find out that I'm 26 and have cirrhosis. Ugh.
Bloodwork results: I got my blood work... - Living with Fatty...
Bloodwork results

Hi UghWe call that FOFO, the fear of finding out. It can make you a little crazy. The thing to understand is that the key to life is having enough liver cells to do what your body needs. The weight loss is important because it means there is less of you demanding services. You can live just fine and technically have advanced fibrosis but it does require you to care for the cells that you have. Congratulations on your excellent progress.
Thank you! Im definitely following your liver diet as well as Mediterranean diet eating principles. Lots of EVOO, lots of veggies, only whole grain carbs, no sugar, coffee everyday, fish and lean protein such as turkey and chicken, very very minimal red meat (it's a treat for me). I don't really have any logical reason to think that I have cirrhosis, but I'm just terrified that's what I'm going to find out. Like I've stated in a previous post, my surgeon during gallbladder removal last year looked at my liver with the intention of a biopsy but chose not to and told me that my liver didn't look bad. I have pretty bad health anxiety and have had so many panic attacks because I've convinced myself that I probably have cirrhosis. It freaks me out that my liver is mildly enlarged because I automatically associate that with cirrhosis because I assume that it means inflammation. Im really hoping that my liverfast test will put my mind at ease a little bit. The fact that my bloodwork has significantly improved makes me hopeful. I know that bloodwork alone isn't a great indicator, but I have statistics on my side. My fib-4 score is .37. I know that I'm doing what I can do to lessen the stress on my liver, I just can't seem to shake the mere possibility of cirrhosis.
We are funny creatures aren't we. We can be our own worst enemies at times and it can be very painful. Anxiety is a disease process itself. How much is builtin and how much is learned we don't really know but quieting the mind is a learnable skill. I have seen people get control of it with meditation. Not easy but the act of denying your mind the freedom to make you anxious can work for some.