I try to the best to help fight this NASH and fatty liver, pluse my other issue. I have 42 lbs in 5 months and I 10 more to go. Healthy eatting is the key and excise. I eat mostly chicken white meat and fish, salmon and turkey some plant based and lost of Spinach And vegetables, no unhealthy fats low carbs and no sugar. Here is my dinner tonight. I try to stay under 1200 calories a day.
How to eat with NASH: I try to the... - Living with Fatty...
How to eat with NASH

Looks delicious!

Thank you the chicken was ☺
Got a veggie mozzarella burger for lunch. High in protein, low in sat fat, to put a smile on my fatty liver's face😀

Thanks for laugh,now sounds delicious, the cheese was low fat too. Wow from where? I want one.
Actually I was surprised how nice it was. Linda McCartney 1/4 monzarella burger. Will get another pack tomorrow😀

Isn't that bad for you because it's processed? I'm hearing more and more that these processed foods are not at all healthy. Im not judging im curious im changing lifestyles and have questions
Just trying to learn as I go on to be honest. I hear you should eat high in protein, low in sat fat hence the burger ticked the boxes according to that. My main focus is fact not drinking alcohol.

I understand completely we're all learning yes yes and I haven't been drinking either I gotta tell you though I wouldn't mind having a drink but I wouldn't do it at all the holidays are coming and I know that's gonna be very hard to not be able to toast with my friends or family but I'll tell you everything you read is just so much fear and then the unknown you don't know what's right or what is wrong to eat anymore but yes definitely not processed food stay away from that as much as you can no hot dogs no beef no red meat it's all bad And try to do low carb and no sugar and stay under 1200 calories A-day if you can that's very hard but it definitely improves the liver
Hi. Yeah it seems to be so confusing what to eat. When you think you are doing well, then I read things on websites that go against it. Trying to go by the principle of no alcohol, no additional salt on meals, low sat fat, and high in protein. If that doesn't work then I give up unless given a set meal planner each day to follow😀. Some days I believe that it was easier to pass my degree than get it correct with what I am eating. Hope you are doing well.

Hi Falco1. I hope you're doing well I know it's so frustrating but the one thing you did leave out what we have to do is under 1200 calories A-day also plus exercise I'm telling you only thing I can do is just pray when I get this fiber scan that I'm not bad off cause I really have no idea except for what my blood work is telling me by the way what is your condition exactly do you have a Nash? And also heads up if you didn't know they advised 3 cups cups of coffee it helps against any 5 process as far as it getting worse Not even too sure about that I just know that it helps it to prevent it or stop it from getting worse.

Oh and thank you for asking I'm doing OK I'm hanging in there at least the pain has stopped I used to have pain under my right rib cage but scared me to death I prayed and prayed and prayed and begged God to take it away and I have not had the pain since but I feel I'm on the right track I've lost 45 pounds I have about 10 more to go so the doctor says and it might resolve my - but I've only had blood test and then one sonogram which did not show fatty liver which makes no sense because they set on a stage 3 fatty liver as far as my blood work what diagnosis have you had or what test may I ask I hope you have a good evening
Hi. Only had a blood test, and an ultrasound. Got to have re-bloods done in November.

No you're not being grouchy at all I understand the long days thanks for your response yeah I don't know what that means as far as what was seen in your sonogram? But best of luck to you I'm sure we will be chatting back-and-forth in the future let me know how things go have a great night
Thanks. Have good eve too