Does anyone else get really itchy all over? I have fibrosis stage 3 and I'm not sure if it's related. My mom was always itchy w/ her cirrhosis . I want to rip my skin off.
Does anyone else get really itchy all... - Living with Fatty...
Does anyone else get really itchy all over?

Hi Bella
I don't have a lot of trouble with itching myself, but it is a common problem with liver disease. As the liver becomes less efficient at removing toxins from the blood they irritate the nerves and cause the itching. Response is very individual but putting as little stress on the liver as you can is helpful. Not a cure or even therapy but some people have reported less itching after trying our recommended diet. There may be some folks on here who can suggest other things. There are a few meds but docs are reluctant to prescribe.
I get terrible itching and dry skin. (I have F1 and S3). When I mentioned this to my Hepatologist during my last visit she added a few additional blood tests to the panel she was giving me already (I forget which the additional ones were) but all my blood test results returned in the normal range.
Hi! I don’t have NASH or NAFL but my liver enzymes ALT AST are elevated for about half a year. I started itching about a month ago and it’s worsening over the time. It’s new to me, so I look for information too.
I used to have a lot of itching. But I don't itch anymore, thank God. When I would mention it to the doctors they just looked at me. I had also had a lot of nerve damage, I am a diabetic as well. I'm not sure what caused it but since I've cut back on sodium that might have been the culprit.
Thank God it doesn't happen to me everyday. I have cut back on my sodium a lot. I won't even mention to the dr. I hate when they look at me like I'm crazy.
I get itchy head and face mainly --comes and goes
My hands, feet, face and arms are what really bother me when it comes.
yes I do and I take benedryl every day it is an awful feeling