Whilst I understand that the Mediterranean diet is the best way of eating especially as i have Nash i am not sure about lots of fruit when it contains fructose which is basically sugar and the body doesn't recognise the difference. Following the lowcarb aspect we are supposed to limit ourselves to mostly berries. How much fruit should we be consuming and what fruit is best?
Mediterranean diet??: Whilst I... - Living with Fatty...
Mediterranean diet??
The thing about fruit is that it has a lot of good things in addition to the fructose. Fortunately the gut has the ability to process a modest amount of fructose so it never reaches the liver. That means that how much you eat at one time is more important than exactly which fruit you eat. You can look up what fruits have the most sugar but being prudent and not asking your body to process big volumes of anything all at once is the best strategy. As to the diet broadly here is a link to our view
Interesting, i thought that fructose was only metabolized through the liver and whatever doesn't get metabolized basically stays in the liver leading to fatty deposits w/in the liver. Not the case?
Personally, i eat fruits about 4 days/week. I mostly consume blueberries, strawberries, kiwi's and pomergranites. Very rarely I'll have anything different.
Ultimately, we're all different...just need to make legitimate lifestyle changes and figure out what works for you. You can do this!
As with everything else in life, moderation is key. I wouldn't be pounding bananas all day long. I like throwing some berries into my Nutribullet for a lunch smoothie. In the evening, a nice fresh serving of organic blueberries, maybe sliced apple or cherries is nice. Enjoy. Fruit is the last thing you should be worrying about
I have discovered recently that my very favorite fruit is papaya. It is so thirst quinching and delicious. I just looked it up to check the sugar content and it is on the lower range at only 5grams 🎉🎉🎉