Please, I need your input! I finally found a hepatologist and I had a Fibroscan done and a full Nash type bloodwork panel done. The blood work was a little abnormal and put me at stage F0, indicating no fibrosis. However, the scan indicated F2 fibrosis with average stiffness of 6.45 kpa and maximum stiffness at 8.71 kpa. Which one is right do you think??? I am obese and need to lose 70lbs. Can you reverse F2 with weight loss and diet? Do you think it will progress to cirrhosis? Any input will help, and I'm very worried..thank you!!!
Please give me your input/advice! - Living with Fatty...
Please give me your input/advice!

Hi jfk
I assume you know that we can't really be of much help with diagnosis as so many other aspects of your health play a part. However, neither test does a very good job with low levels of fibrosis so in a sense I suppose both are correct as far as they go. There are varying opinions about when liver stiffness can be considered as a stage. Lot's of docs will say that anyting blow 7.0 kpa is a normal reading but scales vary depending on what medical issues the doc thinks thinks may be comorbid. So the good news, your weight appears not to have become illness yet but losing the weight is critical.
We are going to be talking about a recently approved blood test that gives better results. Medicare and many insurance programs covers it but not a lot of docs are familiar with it. Here is a bit of information
If you were interested in getting the test, it has to be done through Quest. Here is a link to where to order it. In their search bar do a search for liverfast
I would believe the scan over blood work, my bloodwork doesn't show anything but I'm in stage 4 fibrosis, Yes weight loss helps. I have lost 48 pounds scans are better and MRI looks better, but I'm also on a reach pill so I should be better. The weight loss also helps me feel better. another 48 to go.
My husband had been having RUQ pain, his internist had him do bloodwork which came back good, everything in normal ranges. Internist then had him do fibroscan which indicated cirrhosis, his reading was 22 kpa!! He is waiting to see Liver specialist, unfortunately earliest appt is not until mid-May. He is otherwise a healthy 57 year old, mountain bikes 5 days/week and before fibroscan did not drink much (maybe 3 drinks a week). Of course now he has eliminated alcohol altogether. We are very anxious for him to see liver specialist, we are hoping the fibroscan was off, but more I read about them, the less this seems like it could be the case.
Wishing your husband the best. Is he overweight? I am about 60 pounds overweight. I drink every once on while, maybe every 3 or 4 months. I read that if you are fat and you have a fibroscan it could be off simply because of your weight, so who knows? We certainly need to do the best we can to be healthy but we also must live while we are alive is how I feel.