Hi all, I went to get my yearly ct scan for my thyroid and found out that my liver is fatty. I haven’t heard from my endocrinologist yet as I just got the results. Decided I would do some research on my own. I found this community by googling if collagen would contribute to fatty liver disease. I’m still confused about if it does or doesn’t but decided to quit adding it to my morning coffee just in case.
New test result shows fatty liver - Living with Fatty...
New test result shows fatty liver

I'm happy you found us. The broader aspects of diet are usually the source of concern. Here is a link to get you started. For most people sugar is their enemy not collagen.
Thank you for this link. It now makes a lot more sense to me, my sweet tooth has been outrageous the past 6 months. To be honest, I didn’t try to control it I was constantly giving into the craving. Thanks again, this helps.
I have an underactive thyroid and now a fatty liver, they often go together, as does adrenal glands and hormone problems. One can cause the other and so on. This is what I have done to help my fatty liver and over all health.
Less processed and refined foods.
Less sugar.
More coffee.
More vegetables and fruits.
Three fibre capsules a day.
Milk thistle.
Natural vitamin C capsules.
Vitamin d.
vItamin e.
Thank you so much for the information. Strangely I have yet to hear from my doctor and was not aware that the conditions could be linked. I noticed someone mentioned to drink coffee using a paper filter, why paper? Sharing what your doing is very helpful, has it made a big difference?
Hi there. Lots of places say that drinking coffee helps with fatty liver, so does milk thistle and many other things, no idea if it is helping yet as cannot go back and forth having scans that often! Am also making sure I lose weight and eat differently, so it helps the rest of me even if the liver doesnt get the help. How are you?
Hi I’m so totally confused right now. I went back to my test results to make sure I was providing the right into to my dr when I reached out to him. I had totally had missed that I also have a small hiatal herniated when I looked this up it said not to drink coffee, tea, chocolate or mint. So now I’m like what do I drink in the mornings to help get alert and what do I drink at night to help relax me. I’m so used to having my morning cup of coffee and my sleepy time tea at bedtime cause I have insomnia. It’s such a struggle. I’m wait to hear back from my PCP. Thanks for checking back. 😊
Hi, You can try caffeinated organic green tea so you will get ur daily dose of caffeine. I prefer organic tulsi green tea. Its available on amazon. It helped me to increase my metabolism as well. Tulsi sleep tea is available as well which helps to get a goodnight sleep. As these are natural products they will not have side effects, but you will have to slowly start using it before your body gets used to it and also consult your PCP before using these products. Maintaining a health log or journal will always help you to assess your health and keep track of it. Good luck
This is one of the best sites to receive knowledge bout fatty livers and many other issues of the body. In 2018 I found that I had a fatty liver from being a diabetic for 30 years. Research all these sites. These people are very knowledgeable and willing to give very solid information that will be very enlightening for you to learn what you need to decide the best way for you to seek out your next step. Good Luck .