Question to those with fibrosis - Living with Fatty...

Living with Fatty Liver and NASH

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Question to those with fibrosis

brandonwx05 profile image
18 Replies

What was some of the 1st symptoms that you noticed?

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brandonwx05 profile image
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18 Replies
nash2 profile image

Vague right upper quadrant sensations

brandonwx05 profile image
brandonwx05 in reply to nash2

Thank you for answering

kuda123 profile image

RUQ PAIN ,hair loss ,loss of appetite .I had f2 fibrosis but reversed to F0.

brandonwx05 profile image
brandonwx05 in reply to kuda123

Thank you for answering

in reply to brandonwx05

Hi had nafld Nash with fibrosis-i had severe right upper quadrant pain going through so back , across stomach to spleen and deferred pain to shoulder., Also itching and sweating. Mine has carried on to the next stage which is compensated cirrhosis of the liver.

I do hope you are able to reverse this . Take care Lynne

TwirlerGirl profile image
TwirlerGirl in reply to kuda123

Congrats—how did you reverse fibrosis and how long did it take? Thanks in advance!

kuda123 profile image
kuda123 in reply to TwirlerGirl

I had a fibroscan test done an year back with a score of 7.4kpa

I had insulin resistance pre diabetes and abnormal lipid profile..I quit sugar meat and transfat .I drank four cups of paper filtered coffee and ate fruits veggies and lean meat with modest amount of olive oil..

Walkingcats profile image

My blood work ....I wasn’t sure if it was the Diebetis medication since I was only diagnosed August of 2017.... so my heart Doctor suggested I see a liver specialist. I have stage 3 no cure...went on Nash diet numbers went down considerably. I’ll be on this diet forever. I have substantial scarring. Keeping the Faith and following up every four months. Praying that a new trail is approved that fits what there looking for. Each of These drug companies have different criteria’s depending on our health issues. And the companies need to get to phase three then approved before the public is introduced to the meds. Waiting game ... stay healthy and have Faith. FYI I’m a non drinker... fiqure that 🙏🙏

Andy131 profile image

I have recently been diagnosed with Fibrosis/NAFLD/NASH...

I have had no symptoms. Still struggling to find the right things to eat - but one day at a time. I wonder if there are any recipes out there to help with this journey ??

Shato profile image
Shato in reply to Andy131

Hi Andy, I bought a book "metabolism reset" by dr Christianson. They on facebook as well. Did the reset for seven days strict and the 21 days not so strict. Saw major improvement in my bloodwork

Hitchcockie profile image

Occasional nausea eventually became constant. Also developed hunger like pains centered just below my rib cage.

Palexa55 profile image
Palexa55 in reply to Hitchcockie

Yes, my symptoms too-I thought maybe I had an ulcer, cuz the nausea would keep coming-when i ate, it would relieve it a bit, but always comes back.

Palexa55 profile image

I have pain in my upper abdomen, that goes around to my back like a band. It lasts about 15 minutes, causing some queasiness. I have a gall stone, so figured that was the cause, then went to the doctor for an ultrasound because I kept having upper abdomen queasiness, and was told i have fatty liver and was sent for a fibroscan, which came back showing moderate to severe scarring..really worried, and doctor wants me to lose weight and come back in 6 months..I never dreamed I would have any liver problems-not a drinker at all-just overweight. I was told I had some fat in my liver a few years ago and that it wasn't much to be concerned about...I never knew about NASH or Cirrhosis. I thought only heavy drinkers were at risk for liver disease- now I am in that boat...So, just trying to train myself to eat better and get more exercise, and hope I can still reverse it. Hoping for better results in June when I go back.

Cats2018 profile image
Cats2018 in reply to Palexa55

Your description of pain going around to your back like a band sounds like my experience prior to emergency surgery to remove gallbladder in July 2019. After May 2018 diagnosis of NASH with Fibrosis 3, I had symptoms that my liver specialist thought were gallbladder related. Over the next year and a half I had tests more than once. That came back negative for gallbladder issues: 2 ultrasounds, and a HIDA Scan. The HIDA Scan was in April 2018 and in July I ended up in the ER with Acute Gallstone Pancreatitis. I also had periodic queasiness. So I’m not sure how much queasiness was from the NASH and how much from the Gallbladder.

Palexa55 profile image
Palexa55 in reply to Cats2018

Yes, I think my gallbladder is what gives me those symptoms, because it always happens when i overeat high fat food in excess- i pay for it every time. As long as I eat light and healthy like I'm supposed to, I'm fine. One day, I'll probably get it removed. As for my liver, I had another Fibroscan the other day, and it shows improvement, so I guess the eating light and exercise are working. I have to go back in June and hope to show signs of reversing the problems. I hope all goes well for you! When you ended up in the ER, were your symptoms with the band pain severe and causing the upper abdomen queasiness? That's what mine felt like, but passed after about 20 minutes. I read up on pancreatitis, and that seemed to fit my symptoms..

Cats2018 profile image
Cats2018 in reply to Palexa55

Yes - that band of pressure circling me was so painful I thought it might be a heart attack. Once the gallbladder was removed the pancreatitis cleared up. Surgeon in the ER said the gallbladder had to come out. I had lowered liver enzymes to normal over the previous year but they too elevated during the Gallstone Pancreatitis. Liver enzymes returned to normal within a week of the gallbladder removal.

Palexa55 profile image
Palexa55 in reply to Cats2018

That is something else. I guess since they are close together-each affects the other. I had my liver function test last week and all was normal, so just hoping if I lose the weight, I can get everything else back to normal as well. Thanks for your input-much appreciated :)

Cats2018 profile image

Itchy skin, queasiness and excess fatigue

Diagnosed May 2018 NASH - Stage 3 Fibrosis

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