I was diagnosed with fatty liver (45 %) and stage 2-3 fibrosis in 2016. Was told to loose weight and exercise. Which is hard to do when you are disabled. I really did not pay attention to it and reaped the benefits. In September of last year I went into the hospital for a heart procedure. The day after I went into full hepititus. I turn orange, eyes yellow, orange urine, itching, fever and throwing up. My liver test results were 10x higher than normal. I was in the hospital for a week before they almost came down to normal. The Dr. at the hospital told me that I had fatty liver and cirrhosis. That it would take a long time , even more than a year to get it under control. This was from the cat scan with contrast and ultrasound that they preformed.
On January 4, 2024 I had a HC blood test done to determine fibrosis. It came back as Fibrosis Score 0.68 Normal range is 0.00 - 0.21. Fibrosis Stage. F3-Bridging fibrosis with many septa;Fibrosis Scoring0.58 - 0.72 = Stage F3 - Bridging fibrosis with many septa.
Since September of last year after getting out of the hospital I have lost 40 lbs. Mainly because I was not hungry, and I went strict Keto with intermittent fasting. I started a supplement regime with mega dosing.
On February 23 I had an ULTRASOUND ELASTOGRAPHY LIVER done. Today I found out the results.
Study Result
1. Metavir score F 0-F 1, mild fibrosis
This is impossible. No fatty liver and almost NO Fibrosis in a little over a month. Even if you go back to September this is not possible.
The only explanation I have is that I did my part get as healty as possible. I made a commitment to God to start taking care of my health that I had neglected and He did the impossible. BUT nothing is impossible with God.
If you think that there is any other explanation. Pls let me know. I have all the Documation from specialist and even they do not have an answer.
Never give up HOPE