I am confused about my fibroscan results. They called and said I am at f3 and s3 and that I have advanced fibrosis. Does anyone know what theses scores mean?
Diagnosed with advanced liver fibrosis - Living with Fatty...
Diagnosed with advanced liver fibrosis

Fibroscans are not as accurate for the stage of fibrosis that you may or may not have, you will need to get other tests done as well to get the whole picture.
I had a fibroscan originally when i was referred to a hepatologist if they just went off the fibroscan i would have F3 too but i ended up having a liver biopsy which resulted in my diagnosis of F1. Basically you will need to have, bloods, scans if you want to go down the route of a liver biopsy then that too but i would speak to your doctor about all this first to raise your concerns and clear up the confusion.
Thank you! I will be going to see my GI doctor in two weeks and will see what he says. I forgot to mention my liver enzymes have been slightly elevated on and off for the past few years. Last week they were normal.
being normal that's good! my understanding after speaking to my consultant about it is when there are elevated that's when inflammation is happening or potentially your body is fighting an infection which can also cause inflammation. (but I'm no doctor its just how i understood what they have told me)
This is why I haven't even gotten one. I mean I don't think I'm ready for a liver biopsy. The advice is always the same so why get all these tests?
For some its peace of mind I guess. I chose to have a biopsy because I didn't like it when they are so vague I needed details 😂
My fibroscan showed the same thing. I went to my GI dr who has a hepatologist on board. They did a liver biopsy through my endoscopy (less evasive.) Found out I am F1, not F3. If you’re not ready for the biopsy, eat right, exercise, and lose weight if you need to. My liver is enlarged, so I need to. The less weight of your organs, the less weight on the veins.
My story in short; all test showed something different, my gastroligist was ready to settle with my fibroscan F3 cirrhosis and S3 advanced steatosis. I wasn't ready to settle with his diagnosis so got a 2nd opinion from a gastroligist/hepotoligist. He doesn't use or believe in the fibroscan and since my blood test all indicated different levels he suggested the biopsy. So glad I did it!! First, it wasn't as bad as anticipated. Worst part was lying on my side for an hour then my back for 3, you can get up for bathroom. Take a snack and a book..but, end result was Stage 1 fibrosis no cirrhosis zone 3 with mild fatty liver . His suggestion was diet, exercise, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. I have my regular blood test every 3 months from primary and 2 yearly blood test and ultrasound from hepotoligist to watch for cancer. So far my liver enzymes are good, A1C normal, cholesterol normal, tryglicerids normal actually all were normal this last check. Good luck.
Hi. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis back in 2007. My fibroscan is an F4 which is at the top end. I’ve never had elevated enzymes, my blood work is always good. I’ve not had varicies etc. I changed my diet and lifestyle in 2007 when I was told I’d need a transplant within five years. I lost weight, I exercise, I follow a healthy diet. I did everything I could. I’m still here 16 yrs later. I’m 73 and doing well. You can’t reverse scarring but you can do quite a bit to take the strain off the liver
So my doctor is having me do another fibroscan tomorrow because all my enzymes are normal, and my fibroscan doesn’t make sense. He thinks it may be a metabolic disorder. I told him I would do a biopsy and he said it was painful and could cause the liver to bleed. He said let’s do another fibroscan first.