So I was diagnosed with early liver fibrosis last year. I’ve drastically changed my life style and all my blood work is normal. My liver specialist doesn’t even need to see me anymore unless something changes. But I’m just so tired. I can’t seem to get my energy back. I was sick this winter with a sinus infection and I could kick without antibiotics which I wanted to avoid. The whole time I kept feeling that pain below my right rib cage and I still feel it. I’m just wondering if this is typical?
Just So Tired: So I was diagnosed with... - Living with Fatty...
Just So Tired

Dear Lara86,
I am sorry to hear about your pain and feeling down, and tired. I am new to the forum, I can assure you that the everyone on here is super supportive and will probably give you more insight, as I am currently awaiting further tests for lesions that appeared on the US scan.
I think you did a great job on changing your lifestyle because that has obviously helped a lot. Are you getting enough rest, and managing to sleep? I too feel the pain and although initial gastro said liver doesn’t cause the pain, I do too feel the pain. All the time. Especially when sitting down.
I hope you feel better soon!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😊😊😊

Hi Lara
Fatigue and rib pain are really common results of liver disease. The pain is a typically the result of an enlarged or misshapen organ so it can vary between people. For some it can ease over time, others have it chronically. A good diet is your best bet as no real treatments are available sadly. Fatigue can be your liver's inability to process fatty acids that you need for fuel. How do you manage your intake of oils?
Hey Lara how you doin i feel you i also am early liver fibrosis and also born 86
So how are your fingernails did you notice a change because I did they have become more brittle and a little white did your stomach got bigger ?? Just asking did you talk to you doctor about maybe a liver biopsy because I heard it's the only real golden standard to know how your liver is doin its driving me crazy my blood work was doing normal for the first in some time although my gpt or ast was slightly rased but there are those symptoms !!?? Stay strong lara
Yes, this is typical. It has taken me 3 years to feel better. Keep eating right and try to start walking. Even if it’s on 20 feet. Add more distance each week. I had a fibrosis scan and was in stage 4 with liver cirrhosis, hepatitis c and pneumonia. But worked hard at getting healthy and feeling alive again. Good luck! Hope you f you l better soon.
Not as typical as you might not think. See your GI Doctor again as you cannot tell what is going on. The Doctor you had (notice I said Had) should have never told you they do not need to see you until something changes. Lack of energy is a common factor, But the pain below the rib cage worries me a little. We on this site are always here for you as I know sometimes people just want to give up. NEVER GIVE UP! Fight it all the way! I will pray for you that everything is ok.
Sorry, but I want to say get a liver specialist. There is a progression of this disease and you need to be on top of this. My Dr. is my general and I was blessed to get him as he knows everything about NASH and together we have kept up with the necessary blood work-up, different tests, new medications, etc. YES, EXHAUSTION is a part of this disease. In the past I have always been very active. I would have a list of projects I wanted to complete and I would physically work on them until completed. Now, having stage 4 NASH I have had to learn to procrastinate which I hate, however I am still working on this. Some days are REST days and other days I can work on a project for a few hours. Eating/drinking the right foods and having a positive attitude are necessary. Some days it is difficult to look at the positives......develop an attitude of GRATEFULLNESS ! Also, if you are a believer of Jesus Christ, lean on him even more. It's so amazing having Him to talk to. Blessings to you, and hang in there. KEEP getting on this site. It is a big help.