How do you reverse fatty liver disease. I diet. But what do you eat!
Fatty liver diet: How do you reverse... - Living with Fatty...
Fatty liver diet

Hi Audrey12 and a warm welcome. The overall advice for fatty liver NAFLD and NASH is similar to what you would expect for diabetes. They say "sitting is the new smoking" and "sugar is the new alcohol"! so when it comes to fatty liver there is a very strong consensus around being active and reducing carbs/calories. Here are three things to focus on:
1. you need to be increasing your physical activity
2. you need to avoid refined carbs, increase fiber and limit calories overall and
3. you need to eat probiotic foods so that your gut has got the right "good" bacteria.
Increasing activity increases your metabolism, not just for burning calories but it also sends signals to your body not to put more fat in your liver. If you are uncomfortable running then stretching, walking and swimming are best!
Your diet should be low on starchy white food like pasta and potatoes. You will miss them, so remember "deliciousness is not always your friend" this is what I tell myself! Some healthy food is not as satisfying to eat, that is just reality. Yes I would love more mac n cheese but its just going to end up in my liver!
And probiotics actually help your gut to burn off some of the excess calories and also convert the sugar into more useful nutrients, which is an amazing thing! I've started eating things like kimchi for probiotics, along with live yoghurt, and lots and lots of salad. If you have not tried kimchi is like a spicy saurkraut and very good for you, but you might not like it at first. if you google probiotic foods you will not believe how much useful info is out there! I've started drinking some Kombucha every other day, I thought it was disgusting at first but now I love it! You can also get probiotics in capsule form at most supermarkets these days they are alongside the vitamins etc.
If you google "microbiome" you get lots of info.
The other useful term I learned is "pre-biotic" and prebiotic is eating things that help good bacteria in your system to grow. Food with fiber, onions and garlic are all prebiotic.
Since you got diagnosed did you get any advice from your doctor? the reason I ask is that your doctor can refer you to a nutrition specialist and get some help on exercise. Its helpful to get some routine around exercise whether its walking the neighborhood for 20 mins every evening or joining a class.
Like all change, changing your diet is hard but worth it. You really have to stick at it and remind yourself to eat what you need and not just what you want. I have cut out lots and lots of sugar, given up chocolate most of the time, that was hard!
Good luck and tell us how you get on! its so important that you stop the situation getting any worse and causing liver damage.

Hi Audrey, it can be intimidating at first but it is OK. In simple terms, you go to a mostly plant-based diet and pay attention to the dietary fats you eat. It is similar to a diabetic diet in many ways. Here is a link which may help you.
I can't do a plant based diet because my liver isn't producing enough LDL, let along turning it into HDL. Since the only source of dietary cholesterol is animal, do you have an advice?
Hi Sally, it is natural to assume that cholesterol comes from eating meat but not a lot is actually absorbed by the gut. Most cholesterol is produced by the liver and fatty acids are the main building blocks. We recommend extra virgin olive oil as the main source of dietary fat It is the easiest kind of fatty acid for your body to process so is kinder to your liver than other fats. Here is a link with more than you probably want to know about olive oil
Im not assuming anything, it is a fact that dietary cholesterol only comes from animal products. My liver isnt producing enouhh cholesterol so im trying to suppliment. Olive oil cannot be digested by my body