what is it what does it look like ?
I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver - Living with Fatty...
I have been diagnosed with a fatty liver

Hi, that is an interesting question! If you could see your liver that has too much fat in it it would not look much different to a normal liver to your eyes, but if you scan it with ultrasound you can see it's a bit denser and heavier. Your liver stores excess fat and it's important to not let it build up. If too much fat builds up it can can be damaging to your liver, and then your liver will become enlarged and inflamed (called NASH or steatohepatitis). If you have been diagnosed with a fatty liver then it's a good idea to start a careful diet and do some gentle excercise every day so that you can stop it getting worse.
On my ultrasounds my liver looked larger than normal with white patches through it. Now that it has progressed my liver has begun to shrink below normal size as the NASH Cirrhosis develops.
As my problem was confirmed during the op to remove my gall bladder I have also been shown a nid-op colour photo of my liver (not nice) there was an uneven surface to it.
I'm sure if you googled it you would be able to find images if you are interested
Rita x