Hello all, I’m new to this community but have been IF for 9 months. I follow a 16:8 ratio and occasionally try 24 hrs (OMD). IF has been really easy to follow, but did anyone temporarily lift their restrictions for the Xmas period? I not sure if I am becoming obsessive as I still maintained my 16:8 ratio. Is this normal, as I eat sleep breath fasting so much nowadays it’s hard to switch off?
Newbie.......with a question - Fasting and Furious
Newbie.......with a question

I gave up over XMas except I avoided breakfast when I could. Back to normal now starting today.

Thanks Cyrtis for your input, yes I wasn’t a martyr over Xmas, but like you back normal soon, ie healthier choices.

Hi, Ms_Vonnie , welcome.
I "ate plenty" on Christmas Day:
I have totally got out of the habit of eating after 14:00 - and I have to make a point of eating to keep me up to my target weight (95kg, 14% body fat).
As I am usually under my target weight, any extra meal is a bonus - but, last year I had festive meals on four consecutive days - so I ate OMAD and still lost a pound that week.
There are worse thing to which you could be obsessed about, or addicted to - and, if you are not anorectic or losing weight too rapidly - what could be the problem?
I am a kilo below my target weight - so, after lunch, I think I will make a start on the gluten-free Christmas cake my son gave me for Christmas!
Do you need to lose how much weight?
Have you thought about a longer fast?
Are you trying to get (or keep) healthy and live (or thrive) longer?
My weight-loss history:
Hi S11m, I’m fasting to lose weight and to be healthier. I have thyroid issues so weight loss is difficult and in 9 months, I lost a stone. Target is to lose additional 2 stones but I need to revise my approach in the new year as it’s not coming off fast enough.
How fast are you losing?
Are you cutting down on carbs?
I do like my carbs (rice & potatoes) but need to decrease and do MORE walking. Weight lost is steady but goes back up whilst on holiday.
I eat more carbs now that I am maintaining, and I walk 30 or 40 km a week. I am 70 and I was disabled for half a decade.
S11m, you are absolutely amazing............I am 56, but sometimes feel 10-15 years older. I will be getting my walking boots out next year......need to move more and increase my steps. Currently abroad and had a Mediterranean meal and the carbs portions were minuscule. Take care and have a blessed new year.
Hi Ms_Vonnie
First of all well done on your weight loss - amazing 😉
You say you have thyroid issues but you lost 1 whole stone in 9 months that’s ace.
I’ve also been fasting since May, and lost a stone however around July time I upped my fasting as advised by someone on the forum of Delay Don’t Deny. Move forward 3- 4 months I am experiencing loss of hair. This is not mentioned in the book, which I think it should be as when we go from eating normally so to speak to then go 16 to 20 hours with no food it can be a shock to the system! Have you experienced this? I’ve not been fasting since end of November ( now Ive put on around 4-5 pounds)! as this has really panicked me. Although apparently it will grow back....but when lol
Well done Newbeginnings for your weight lost also. I have not experienced hair lost but my hair has become dry as a result. When you upped your fasting how did you approach it, ie what frequency?
Hey Ms_Vonnie
It was everyday I did 20-4 sometimes a bit longer but thereabouts. I started to lose weight when I first started in May pretty quickly I suppose but then it just stopped moving a few months after. So was advised to up it. Sometimes I would eat well and sometimes it may have been not so good and too much drink! Which I’ve read somewhere isn’t good for hair loss!
This is all such a headache 🤕 lol

I more or less adhered to the 16:8 schedule, with one day OMAD. I did, however, indulged in a lot of treats and things I would be better off not eating, but as you know, we are surrounded by temptation at this time. Early on, I too worried I might be too obsessive because I found this regimen easy to follow after a while. In my opinion, you are fine as long as when you do eat, you eat healthy and enjoy your meals (in other words, don't feel guilty for eating when you decide to break your fast). IF has been tremendously helpful in keeping my weight in check despite the occasional holiday indulgences.
Thanks 1rocketman for your input, yes I wasn’t a martyr over Xmas but wouldn’t eat outside of 16:8 ratio. Nowadays I don’t see the point of eating all day long and I can’t switch off.
Hi 1rocketman
Yes I agree it is easy to follow more than people realise. I will have my fellow office workers say I don’t know how you do it! There is always loads of food - naughty food in the office but I don’t touch it I’m very strict.
Thing is with the Delay Don’t Deny lifestyle you in your window can within reason obviously eat what you like. I do believe too much drink will effect this.
Thing is when I went to OMAD I wanted a proper dinner so I wasn’t eating the healthy snacks like before - eggs nuts avocado 🥑 milk etc
So that with my peri menopause I think made me extremely low in my B12 thus making my hair really thin out!

A warm welcome to you! Have you seen our welcome pack?
To answer your question, I have maintained fasting for between 16 and 19 hrs a day but have relaxed on carbs, as it leads to very odd eating (in my culture) if you don't.
I'm at a weight I'm happy to maintain at for life. If I was aiming to lose, it would be sweet carbs which I would be looking at sternly right now!
Cheering you on
Hi. I am doing the same ratio but only since beginning of November. Xmas was lovely but I over indulged and have put weight in. I’m back on it now and the scales are showing the weight is coming back off. I am so focused on my eating pattern because for the first time in years it is showing results 😊