Water Fasting and Green Juice Fasting ... - Fasting and Furious

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Water Fasting and Green Juice Fasting Thoughts

Kai-- profile image
7 Replies



Water 💧🚰 Fasting & Green 🥒💦 Juice Fasting Thoughts 🤔 💭 💭


Hope no one minds if I plop thoughts/ tips (videos 📹 & podcasts🎙 ) that I "learn along the way" into this post? 🤔

These are sources I’ve come to respect & trust 🙏 😌 over time ⏳⌛️ & consider ‘reputable’ ⭐️ sources.

[ 📹s & 🎙s have been a primary way I’ve learned 🤓 & maybe the way some of you might like learning 👩‍🏫 too? 🤔 ]


📹 Long-term water fasting from Dr. Douglas Lisle 👨‍⚕️ ( google.com/search?as_q=&as_... ):

. . . ⏱ 37:00 • helps mitigate symptoms of schizophrenia

. . . ⏱ 39:43 • spectacular in helping unwind a number of pathological conditions:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, &

. . . . . . . . . . . . . most problems associated with ‘dietary excess’






📹 🎙 Water fasting & green juice fasting (in context of Autoimmune disease management)

. . . from Nicole S. O’Shea 👩‍💼 ( healthunlocked.com/cure-art... )

. . . ⏱ 32:18supervised water fasting recommended 👍 ;

. . . . . . . . . . . . . unsupervised water fasting not recommended 👎

. . . ⏱ 34:12 • relieved psoriatic arthritis pain 🤗

. . . ⏱ 35:29 • celery & cucumber juice 🥒 💦 ‘2-day cleanse’ (raw, leafy greens 🍃 🥬 )

. . . . . . . . . . . . . as alternative to water 💧🚰







☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


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7 Replies
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More on fasting for Autoimmuners ( aarda.org/diseaselist/ , en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lis... ) in 4 segments:

. . . 1 • healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... . . . 2 • healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...

. . . 3 • healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... . . . 4 • healthunlocked.com/nras/pos...


Relevant references/ resources from those segments:

⭐️ • Dr. Michael Klaper: Fasting – Effective Therapy for Health Concerns:

. . . . . doctorklaper.com/answers/an... , doctorklaper.com/answers/an...


⭐️ • Nicole S. O’Shea's Journal (& Journey) with Psoriatic Arthritis & Skin Psoriasis:

. . . . . healthunlocked.com/cure-art...


⭐️ • From T. Colin Campbell’s Center for Nutrition Studies:

. . . . . Alan Goldhamer: Arthritis and Joint Pain (scroll down to ‘Fasting’):

. . . . . nutritionstudies.org/arthri...

Relevant excerpt: "Fasting in recovery

People’s reactions to the various antigens can be very different. Dairy products, eggs, beef, wheat, and corn are the most common culprits, but there are many others, some of them quite obscure.

If a person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis wants to find out what foods he or she is sensitive to, the best way to go about it is to undertake a period of fasting (ingesting only pure water), followed by a period of rotational feeding. . . . During the fasting period, it is common for joint pain and swelling to totally disappear.

This pain-free period provides welcome relief, but proper refeeding after the fast is crucial. In fact, there is no point in undertaking a fast if your intention is to go back to your previous way of eating because this behavior is part of the problem (possibly the major part).

Life after the fasting

During the refeeding period we can find out which foods are contributing to the joint pain. We introduce various foods slowly, one at a time, starting with those that are least likely to cause problems. Ideally, every patient would eat the diet we recommend at the Center-a plant-based diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, and the variable addition of nuts, grains, and legumes. This diet is low in fat, low in protein, high in fiber, and contains no animal products. But some people’s systems are intolerant even to some of these plant-based foods.

Arthritis patients need to learn which foods they can eat without inducing symptoms, and how much they can eat of those acceptable foods. Some people find that they cannot tolerate very much fruit; others find that they can tolerate some vegetables but not others. Simply eliminating the worst offenders-meats, dairy products, eggs, and wheat-may not be adequate to relieve the pain in a particular individual.

Re-feeding is a learning process. Each person is different, and each person must learn how he or she needs to eat (and live) in order to remain free from arthritis pain. As a result of their new awareness, many people come to consider their arthritis a kind of “blessing” because a reoccurrence of their arthritic pain reminds them of their need to adhere closely to a health-promoting lifestyle."


☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Hi Kai, of course no one minds you posting about fasting on here as we support all aspects of fasting on F&F.

There's a lot to go through and I haven't had time so thanks for posting this. I hope that you benefit from fasting.

Jerry. 😊

S11m profile image
S11mVolunteer 70lb IF20

Hi, Kai--

On Utube I found a 17-minute version of "The Pleasure Trap", which I did manage to sit through.

The essential points is:

We get fat because we like junk food


Kai-- profile image
Kai-- in reply to S11m


Excellent! Thank you kindly, S11m. 🙏 😌

Enjoyed your amusing/ fun ‘take’ on points Dr. Douglas Lisle raises. 😁

For understanding of additional (deeper, nuanced) ‘Pleasure Trap’ concepts (if interested), there’s plenty more to explore in Dr. Lisle’s full-length presentations: healthunlocked.com/nras/pos... 👍👍

Dr. Lisle’s "The Pleasure Trap" co-author, Alan Goldhamer, also talks about Escaping The Dietary Pleasure Trap … if of interest: m.youtube.com/watch?v=gxb1A...



☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image


Recent interview (6/6/19) with Dr. John McDougall 👨‍⚕️ & Dr. Michael Klaper 👨‍⚕️about:

. . . • intermittent fasting

. . . • water fasting 🚰 💦

. . . • 1, 2, & 3-day 📆📆📆 fasts

. . . • 5+ day 🗓 supervised fasts (particularly for those of us overcoming disease and/ or are on medication(s) 💊 💉 )


Might be of interest to some WFPB-ers 🥗 ? 🤔

Fasting as a ‘jumpstart’ ⚡️ towards healing 🤕 ☺️ .

All in context of Whole Foods Plant Based (WFPB) foods 🌿 & return to "feeding" 😋 (after the fast) as critical part of ‘healing’. (A ‘biochemical reset’ 👩‍🔬 ⚗️ ↩️ .)

Dr. John McDougall Interviews Michael A. Klaper, M.D., Webinar 06/06/19 minutes 1:40 – 12:22 focus on fasting [in context of Dr. Klaper’s lifetime (71 years of age) experience/ career working with patients]:



☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


Kai-- profile image


Wild We Roam’s ( instagram.com/wildweroam/ ) couple 💑 Dana & Lou’s ( wildweroam.com/our-story ) documented FASTING* & RE-FEEDING** experience might be of interest to Whole Food Plant Base-ers 🌿 (especially WFPB Autoimmuners) contemplating a 7-day water fast 📆 📆 📆 📆 📆 📆 📆 & a WFPB re-feeding protocol 🥗 .

(The critical re-feeding sequence is detailed in their 2nd video** & the text below that video.)

Many, many thanks to Dana & Lou for kindly documenting & sharing their experience. ☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞

(Delighted ☺️ to see them both looking & feeling so well . . . so vibrant ✨ 🤗 🤗 ✨ !)


* 7 DAY WATER FAST - NO FOOD FOR A WEEK (Before & After):








Kai-- profile image


May be of interest to NutritionFacts.org [ nutritionfacts.org/ ]/ Dr. Michael Greger followers:

"All of the information [in Dr. Greger’s Intermittent Fasting Webinar nutritionfacts.org/webinar/... ] will eventually be available for free on NutritionFacts.org."


Will be keeping an eye 👁 out for it when it becomes 🆓 .


Description of topics to be covered:

"One of the most common questions I receive is about intermittent fasting, so I’ve done a deep dive into the research and am excited to present my findings! I’ll cover the pros and cons of calorie restriction and water-only fasting for weight loss, alternate-day fasting, body fat, longevity and metabolic health, the 5:2 diet, fasting-mimicking diets, and time-restricted feeding – and host a Q&A at the end. The focus for this webinar will be on weight control, but I am planning to do a second webinar later this year on water-only and Buchinger modified fasting [ buchinger-wilhelmi.com/en/h... , buchinger.de/en/buchinger-t... ] for other conditions such as blood pressure, autoimmune disease, and cancer.

Here’s a list of all the topics I’m going to cover in the 3-hour webinar:

. . . • The 3,500 Calorie per Pound Rule is Wrong

. . . • The Reason Weight Loss Plateaus When You Diet

. . . • The New Calories per Pound of Weight Loss Rule?

. . . • The Benefits of Calorie Restriction for Longevity

. . . • Potential Pitfalls of Calorie Restriction

. . . • Benefits of Fasting for Weight Loss Put to the Test

. . . • Is Fasting Beneficial for Weight Loss?

. . . • Is Fasting for Weight Loss Safe?

. . . • Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Put to the Test

. . . • Is Alternate-Day Intermittent Fasting Safe?

. . . • Does Intermittent Fasting Increase Human Life Expectancy?

. . . • The 5:2 Diet and the Fasting-Mimicking Diet Put to the Test

. . . • Time-Restricted Eating Put to the Test

. . . • The Benefits of Early Time-Restricted Eating"


☺️ 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞


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