My son has had issues on and off for the past two years, worse at school and rarely accidents at home. He has had maybe 10 dry nights in his lifetime maybe slightly more.
Most of the time the issue seems to be that he tries to hold it and then it’s too late and he wets himself. Teachers at school are aware that he must be let go whenever he asks and we do tactical wees before we leave the house and at breaks and lunchtime in school.
He wears a nappy at night and last night he wet it while still awake which he has done in the past and we’ve said is not acceptable. In questioning him today he said “he likes the feeling sometimes”.
I do think there is something else going on in that he really can’t seem to hold it or else ignores signal all the time. I’ve tried a quick chart myself and this week on half term will be trying the specific Eric one so any tips appreciated.
Also any tips on getting him to take responsibility for his actions and see that this behaviour is not acceptable when he can help it?
Thanks in advance from very frustrated parents