Hi, I need some advice please. My son is on day 3 of disimpaction and has had 10 sachets of Movicol today. All he has passed is type 6 poo a couple of times. I was expecting hard poo and more of it. Does this sound ok? I'm feeling really anxious about it all. Thanks for any advice x
Day 3 of disimpaction. Help needed! : Hi, I need some... - ERIC
Day 3 of disimpaction. Help needed!

We've done a disimpaction but I think we stopped too early so I'm not a hundred percent sure of what you "should" be getting.... However, my understanding is that you don't necessarily get hard poo, you should be getting runny gravy-like poo with lumps (probably extremely smelly). We were told initially to keep going until there were no lumps, just gravy.... However after 2 weeks we were still getting lumps but were told to start reducing the sachets anyway.... 3 months on we are still having issues though so like I said we're probably not a great example.
Good luck!!
We did our first disimpaction recently and didn't get any hard poo or many lumps I don't think. Just lots of type 6 poo (towards the end of the first week the amount increased a lot and was very dark and gritty!) and finally type 7 "gravy" poo on day 9. I found the disimpaction very emotionally draining and completely understand your anxiety. Hang on in there! Xx
Thank you. I feel a bit better after reading your reply. My little boy has autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy and obviously severe constipation but for some reason this is making me anxious. It's nice to know we're in good company if you know what I mean xx
Good luck with it! It feels like an eternity (I nearly stopped on day 6!) but am glad we pushed on until day 9 as I now feel (pretty) confident it worked as things are definitely better now (although there is still a way to go!). Xx
Hi ya. You are doing well and hang in there. You want it to be a type 7(watery) I would leave it for a period of time when you get to this point just to make sure it is all out. It doesnt do them any harm.
The thing i found the hardest was getting larger quanties of movicol into them.
We have done two discompaction programmes. The first time our son was on 8 sachets. I thought it was high but in the back of my head I didn't think it was watery enough but didn't go any further. Looking back I wish I had.
The second time(My son is 5) we took him up to twelve sachets and nothing was moving. He was on this dose for seven days. I then rang his paeditrian for advice.
I always expected a discompaction programme to be quick but it does take time for it to get in their system.
Try not to feel anxious as I found my son picked up on it and it affected his behaviour.
Sorry for the long message.