Hi All. Currently on day 8 of disimpaction, we've been on max dose for 3 days now (8 sachets, 4yo). Poo has been very runny for 2.5 days but still fairly thick. I've definitely noticed 1 quite watery poo with bits in a late night nappy explosion, and I think also another small watery poo in a pants accident but these poos weren't one after the other, we had plenty of thicker poos in-between. Am I needing the two watery poos to be in a row?
I am also finding that there's basically no poo until the afternoon (I guess due to no food overnight) so I have to wait until the evening each day to decide what sort of poo we have? Is this normal?
We are on half term right now but with only 4 days left until school, I am wondering what to expect? Am I going to have to keep her off school next week too? The pants accidents are wayyyyyy too regular, she still massively withholds and I absolutely cannot imagine her choosing to poo at school OR tell anyone if she's had an accident. I can't imagine her being at school unless she is no longer having runny poo.
Please send reassurance. Possibly the hardest week I have had in parenting so far 🫣