Hi I'm new on this forum and struggling with a problem the professionals we see can't seem to help with...my daughter is four and half years old, just before her second birthday she had two bouts of constipation and began to stool withhold. The GP recommended movicol long term. She continues to withhold to this day. In all this time we have never been able to find a maintenance dose for her. By this I mean we have an ongoing problem of soiling in between bowel movements sometimes once, sometimes several times a day. Yet other at other times weeks can go by and there's no soiling in between. I think its unlikely its leakage around retained poo as she been on movicol for so long now and various professionals have felt her abdomen and say its seems fine. My GP thinks we should up the dose but the Peadiatritian (specialises in urology as she has been getting recurrant urinary tract infections due to stool whithholding) says her poo is too soft and we should reduce it.
Her poo is ALWAYS on the soft side whether she has two or three sachets a day, type 6 on the bristol stool chart. Everything I've read suggests she's getting too much movicol but I'm so confused that on the same dose we have such different results.
I have recently read a book by an American child psychologist who specialised in encopresis and he mentions some children can be really sensitive to movicol and to try measuring the dose in teaspoons rather than giving a whole sachet but he doesn't really elaborate beyond that.
I've not come across anyone with this problem but has anyone else experienced this regular soiling or anything similar, do you measure out the dose more exact? I'd be so grateful for any advice.