Hi everyone, I’m new here and I’m hoping I can feel like we’re not alone. Im feeling a bit upset over our most recent hospital experience.
Our little girl (3y) has suffered with impaction probably about 5-6 times now over her life from about 20 months.
She’s even until now never been more than 4-5 days without going and the last 2-3 days in a cycle like that I can’t go to work etc as she’s in SUCH a lot of pain poor thing.
At first even though it was awful to see and heartbreaking I didn’t think it was unusual and thought she just had a big poo, and of course was uncomfortable so took it as it came. Tried to contact our GP to discuss constipation but they didn’t come back to me so I tried to manage the situation with her diet which took work but seemed to work fine with exception to 1 episode.
However she’s had 3 episodes since the start of winter, 2 of which being in the last 10 days or so. Both the most recent times I’ve ended up taking her to children’s a and e because the pain she was in was worse than before and I just couldn’t bear for her, it broke my heart.
The first time we were seen quite quickly and prescribed movicol to disimpact (I think I’m using the right terms) but that she just had to pass the large poo herself (which she did). However I never managed to get her to accept 8 sachets a day in that week’s treatment and never got to the watery diarrhoea they said she needed to reach (although they never explained why or what the goal was).
After 8 days of only being able to get her to have up to 4-5 sachets throughout the day in her drink I stopped (we were advised we didn’t need to continue going forward) as I just couldn’t get her to have the max. I was intending on leaving it a few days then contacting the GP (if humanly possible) but she ended up unfortunately with tonsillitis and was very unwell in that time and had amoxicillin instead which took precedence.
So of course (I know now in hindsight it was obvious it would happen due to her bowel recently being stretched from the last time), she then ended up with another impaction which was the most painful yet. I took her to a and e again with the pain and they were I really think just awful to us, she was screaming and crying and I was begging them to see her sooner and said she needed higher pain relief. They said they ‘don’t do’ any other pain relief for children other than paracetamol and ibuprofen and that they had her down as constipation and wouldn’t change it. Were really rude to me when I was clearly in distress with my poor daughter. When eventually we were seen after 10 hours wait…they said that they didn’t want to do an enema etc as it’s traumatic as she’s little and prescribed some gel to help numb her bum and advised to take movicol going forward. Thank goodness she’s had the bowel movement now but it was DAYS of absolute agony for her.
(If you’ve read this far you are amazing)
2 things -
I am so angry with myself for not demanding help sooner, I didn’t know this could be so painful and so awful and I’m worried my little one is damaged physically and/or mentally from this whole thing and it’s my fault
I am so angry with the hospital! I cannot believe that they don’t do ANY other pain relief, she was screaming! What if a little one had (god forbid) chopped an arm off, do they just give them calpol?? And I’ve not had any proper explanations or suggestions of referrals. No end goal, no plan. Not what to look out for. Im in the dark and I have no idea what to do! I’ll be TRYING to contact my GP again and ask for a consultant referral - is that the right thing to do??
I’m just a bit sad and new to it all, anyone weighing would be very welcome xx