I'm completely lost now . My 8 Yr old is fully incontinent when it comes to poop. He's fully refusing movicol and i don't blame him he's been on and off of it for nearly two years . He's fully compacted again and leaking . The gp isn't helping. The school nurse hadn't got back to me in nearly 2 years. The peadiatrics won't take him on without school nurse In put.
Last night he did the biggest poo in his pull up (yes he lives in pull ups because NOTHING that had been suggested is working) and it was nearly half a kilogram of the biggest empty he had had in months . He has one like it every couple of months and the rest is just leakage . I had to take a photo and weigh it so I can show the gp and plead someone listen because this isn't on at all .
Please. Please please. Someone help me
I dont know what to do now
Pic included of the 3 monthly empty . Teaspoon for reference .