My 9 year old daughter woke up one day back in May wet and said she can’t hold her urine anymore. Since then it seems like she lost her ability to control urination completely. We checked and re checked, I was told that her guts are blocked. She’s always been constipated but now it’s on a diff level! Movicol, fibre, senna, fig syrup-you name it, I’m giving it all to her! She’s been wearing nappy pants for 3 months now. Also, she can’t sit because “it hurts down there”. She developed massive anxiety. Nothing works and I don’t know what to do. She is a shadow of her former self-from sporty, healthy and active girl she turned into a girl who is overwhelmed by worry and tears. She is constantly searching for diseases and health issues online. We are seeing a phycologist but the main issue that caused her worries is still there-we can’t improve her bowel movement and she is still in nappies (
My child is suffering : My 9 year old daughter woke up... - ERIC
My child is suffering

Have you actually disimpact her. The full bowel will almost certainly be contributing to the wetting as it will be putting pressure on the bladder.
Hi, How long has it been since she has last went? If her guts have been blocked for a long amount of time I would recommend that you take her to a doctor.
I'm so sorry to hear this, your poor daughter. My son is also 9 and had a real regression with regards to constipation during lockdown, I just think it's how his body reacts when he is stressed. From my experience I would say a full disimpaction followed by a regular course of senna (we were told that it helps to contract the bowel back to a normal size). Hopefully you have a good doctor/consultant who will help you get her back to a normal situation. I really recommend reading A Girl Like You by James Parkin (we read the boy version). It wasn't a game changer for us but it did help my son to know he wasn't the only one with these issues. Good luck and I hope you start to turn the corner soon.
Thank you all so much! We saw a doctor yesterday and he is 100% sure it’s her over stretched gut is affecting her bladder. We were given adult Movicol (it comes in various flavors, much nicer to the palate. Also, one sachet is equivalent of 2 Paediatric portions). Also we were given Dulcolax daily. The doctor absolutely promised me that she will stop urinating once her gut is back to normal size! I’ll keep everyone informed. If this therapy will help-I’ll write the list of pointless previous medications we were offered so you don’t poison your children unnecessary.
Have the laxatives made any difference?
Was she managing to pass anything before or was she just totally blocked up.
Is your daughter ok with going to school in her nappy pants?
She was never constipated for more than 3-4 days as I’d give her senokot for severe constipation. She went to school for a few days in July and it was difficult. They do lots of sports and she had to take too many breaks to run to the toilet, she was very upset about that as she is a keen sports player. I hope we will manage to sort it out before September.
Did your daughter suffer from bed wetting before she started having constipation problems?
Our schools have already started back, if she isnt in control of her bladder you need to let the school know so they can help her, she shouldn't need to be worrying about getting to the loo if there's nothing she can do about it that will just make her more anxious about the situation.
What nappy pants is she wearing?!
Should she not be in the 8-15 age group size?!
Less babyish more grown up designs
The bigger size drynites are quite loose fitting on smaller kids, when my granddaughter was in the smaller 4-7 size they left red marks on her but they would stay up till they where full.
With the bigger size they would start dropping down after she had done a wee, or if she had been running around in the playground at school she would have to pull them up, exposing her nappies to all the other kids.
Nappies with tapes hold more and the in continence kind made for kids are very good abena junior or tena slip junior or molicare slip maxi small or extra small or Abena s4.
Great, I’ll try these..
I’ve looked at all the ones you mentioned and the problem is that they are all nappies, not underwear. Drynites are pull ups and I don’t need to say “nappy” word to my daughter. She is horrified already about this situation and I don’t want to add to the stress. It all happened so suddenly to her, she just woke up one day unable to hold, therefore I’m constantly telling her that it will go away the same way. Heartbreaking really..
None of those are 'nappies' per say, there incontinence slips, or all in one pads, you don't have to call them nappies if she thinks that's babyish.
The ones I get Sophie are plain white and wee have tried drawing on them before with felt tip pens to make them 'pretty', she had fun drawing flowers on hers, I tried to draw a frilly waistband and a little bow to make them look more like knickers but Sophie wasn't impressed by my efforts.
You could try something with her to make her problems more fun until she gets used to it.
Yes they are nappies but they hold in smells better and hold more volume .
There are pull kinds by the same make but personally nappies are better!
What nappies does she wear?!