Has anyone else tried chiropractic treatment? We have... - ERIC


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Has anyone else tried chiropractic treatment? We have had big success

Maybilly25 profile image
27 Replies

Just wanted to update, my now 11 year old has been going to the chiropractor for about a year now, she had random accidents on and off for years and nothing seemed to help.

He said the muscles at the bottom of her back were tight and blocking messsages to her brain telling her she needed to go.....I was skeptical at first especially as she still had an odd accident. However she has been dry now well over 6 months ( actually lost count how long) and has been on several sleepovers as well as a residential school trip.

Cannot express how relieved we are that we seem to be over this stage in her life, especially as she starts high school next month. She attends appointments once a month still but that we hope to reduce over time starting very soon. Started off as a free trial but we now pay 25 a month which for a happier wee/big girl and unbroken sleep Is worth every penny!!!! 👍

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Maybilly25 profile image
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27 Replies
Robinia profile image

Thanks for posting about this, I appreciate it greatly. I’m going to try tens on my son’s lower back and see how that goes 😁

Maybilly25 profile image
Maybilly25 in reply to Robinia

Good luck hope it helps!!

Jayjay-1 profile image
Jayjay-1 in reply to Robinia

Are you going to buy a machine and try at home?

Robinia profile image
Robinia in reply to Jayjay-1

I have one already that I bought for my two labours. I’ve ordered new pads and my son is happy to give it a try, his bowel seems super sluggish. I’m also going to have a look for a local chiropractor, will let you know how it goes with the Tens machine x

Jayjay-1 profile image
Jayjay-1 in reply to Robinia

Great thanks - I will give anything a try but be great to have feedback if these things work! Good luck

Robinia profile image
Robinia in reply to Jayjay-1

I rang a chiropractor this morning and am waiting for a call back, will let you know how it goes 😀

Jayjay-1 profile image
Jayjay-1 in reply to Robinia


I have been on google tens machine and OAB etc etc there have been some studies etc so reading up on this

Robinia profile image
Robinia in reply to Jayjay-1

Thanks that looks great and have now booked chiropractor appts for couple weeks time so will let you know how it goes

Jayjay-1 profile image
Jayjay-1 in reply to Robinia

Thanks look forward to hearing

Maybilly25 profile image
Maybilly25 in reply to Robinia

Really hope it helps, keep us posted 👍 so worth a try!! I’ve honestly forgotten what it’s like to strip beds through the night and try and shower a sleepy girl who is far too big for me to lift anymore 😀

Robinia profile image
Robinia in reply to Maybilly25

I’m feeling really excited about it. We are travelling a long distance to see one who seems a bit amazing. It will be worth every penny if it helps, I’m so grateful for this forum. It’s taught me so much!!

Helen36 profile image

Thanks for posting - I’ve always been really interested in the possible benefits of this. Somewhere on this forum is a lady with twin boys who had success too (I think I have read every post on this!) I took my 5 year old to see a chiropractor last autumn who also identified some misalignments in the lower back. I just couldn’t bring myself to let someone non NHS to manipulate her spine even though I was so keen to try it - but that was just my nerves!

Maybilly25 profile image
Maybilly25 in reply to Helen36

Don't get me wrong the NHS is an amazing service but they diagnosed my youngest as having asthma and put her on 2 different kinds of inhaler morning and night which done nothing to alleviate a chronic night cough, she sees the same chiropractor and has been cough free for a year nearly and takes no inhalers so clearly never had asthma at all.

I understand your concerns any Doctor's I have spoken to have always said they would never recommend Chiropractic treatment but the adjustments have never been painful I sit in with them throughout and they look forward to going as he is great with them.

Good luck with it all and whatever route you choose!

AliStan profile image

This is really interesting. Can I ask if your daughter was every diagnosed with anything for the accidents before you tried the Chiropractor and what made you give it a try?

My daughter has an overactive bladder but impacted by fact that she doesn't seem to have sensation to empty bowel, which then gets too full and pushes on the bladder. Sorry maybe TMI! I'm just wondering if this is worth trying to see if it helps her with bowel sensation even if not bladder.....to be honest I'm at the point where I'd try anything!! After what I'd thought was a small breakthrough, down to only the odd daytime accidents having got bowel more under control, we've just gone back to 3+ a day and had to up dose of her bowel medicine again......so frustrating and really upsetting for her (and me).

And sorry, another question, how did you find the right chiropractor, do you know if they specialise in anyway or would all chiropractors treat children?

Maybilly25 profile image

Hi no, no diagnosis they done a scan of her kidneys and could find no medical reason why she had so many accidents they more or less said she was lazy at one point, she was only ever wet at night though and sporadically (sometimes none a week sometimes 3 a week) so very different from your situation maybe. I had been seeing a chiropractor for my back after falling down the stairs and they had a sign on the wall about a free trial for bed wetters so I made some enquiries.

My daughters actually see a different chiropractor within the same practice who is really good with them they both see him as a friend and look forward to going. This decision was purely based on the fact that his experience with kids was wider and he had had success with bed wetting before, he sees my youngest for a chronic night cough which has now gone, he actually said she doesn't need treatment mow but she is only 4 and gets miffed if big sis goes without her!

Good luck with whatever route you choose I was like you and would try anything!! So very glad this worked for us, I would say it would be worth having a chat with a chiropractor and asking for advice as I had no idea they had such a wide range of treatments for different problems from aches and pains through to IBS.

Helen36 profile image

I did lots of googling and found a local practice that had a lady that specialised in children. She had done an extra qualification on paediatric chiropractics and I could see lots of good reviews about her online. She had successfully treated for bedwetting in the past but had never treated for day wetting and was very up front that she made no promises it would work. I agree that it’s worth having a chat with someone. Nearly all places I spoke to did a free consultation. I take the point about the NHS - I’m just a terrible worrier!

AliStan profile image

After this trail, I decided to get a consultation. Our local chiropractor does a free 15 min assessment session to see if they think they can help. Decided nothing to lose so have appointment for next Monday. Will let you know how it goes......Fingers crossed.

Maybilly25 profile image
Maybilly25 in reply to AliStan

Very best of luck 🤞hopefully they will know fairly quickly if they can help! Yes keep us posted and defo nothing to lose either way! 🙏🏻

nicolar1975 profile image

How did you find a reliable chiropractor? I have tried everything for my son including acupuncture and hypnotherapy

Maybilly25 profile image
Maybilly25 in reply to nicolar1975

I was already seeing a chiropractor for my back, kids were not his speciality but he referred to a colleague who is amazing! Most places offer a free consultation and will usually assess if they think they can help. Good luck

MrsSquirrel profile image
MrsSquirrel in reply to Maybilly25

Where do you go? thinking abt alternatives this year...7 years of NHS and little progress.

AliStan profile image

I promised I'd give an update when we'd been to the assessment session. Well, good news is she didn't tell me I was mad for going but she's making no promises.

She felt my daughters spine and said it was definitely stiff around the lower spine (which IS the part that impacts messages from the bladder and is near to the area that impacts the bowel too!). What we've agreed is that there is no harm in giving it a go and seeing what happens. With holidays etc, we can't get first full treatment session until early Sept but am really hoping that, even if not a magic answer, it might just help relieve some of the symptoms. Fingers crossed. xx

Maybilly25 profile image
Maybilly25 in reply to AliStan

Aw that’s really quite encouraging though and Sept isn’t too far away!

Really hope she’s able to help in some way and it’s good to know they all say the same as far as tension in the spine and no guarantees etc.

Good luck again, 🤞

Helen36 profile image
Helen36 in reply to AliStan

Really encouraging! This is the same area the chiropractor found stiffness in my little girl too. Keep us posted AliStan and crossing fingers for you x

Laundry profile image

We have been to an osteopath which is similar to a chiro I think and after 8 sessions my son (8) had his first dry nights EVER. We are now going for ‘top ups’ because he still has occasional wet nights but he’s dry most of the time now.

We had tried everything else

halftime profile image

That's interesting. I read something about this a long time ago , but the local chiropractors college wasn't keen to treat or advise so I was put off a bit. I will investigate further. I know your post is quite old. Are you still having monthly treatment? Has the improvement been sustained?

MrsSquirrel profile image

How did you go on with chiropractor?

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