Please can anyone give advice regarding bed wetting of a young adult .my daughter use to wet the bed up until about 16 unfortunately recently this has began again at 18 . We just don’t know how to deal with this we have asked GP to refer to urology . But has anyone advice , reassurance, tips on how to cope with this for a young adult who is in a place where she wants to stay with friends , party and do al those things young girls do !!! No other health concerns other than some mental health issues emotional personality disorder .
Young adult bed wetting : Please can anyone give advice... - ERIC
Young adult bed wetting

Feeling really alone now !! No response from any one , I try to reassure her there are others out there but from the lack of response I question is there 😟 I just don’t know how to support her she is 18 becoming sexually active ( as a mum I don’t really want to know this 😊) and I just don’t how she is going to deal with this . Can any one give me advice or reassurance . Thanks
Hiya, most of us on here have children rather than young adults but I have seen posts on here from some teens who have the same issue. Maybe if you do a search you will find some of the posts they have made. My son is 11 and has chronic soiling which means he wears pads constantly and sometimes has poo running down his legs when I pick him up from school.
Please reassure your daughter she is not alone xx
Hopefully you can get a urology apptmt to look at medication but deffo worth checking she is not constipated as that can press on the bladder sometimes
My late husband was a bedwetter to a similarly late age, he still had the odd wet night well into his 20's
He kept all this a secret until he had surgery to remove a suspected cancer from his prostate, and lost control again at night.
He accredited his bedwetting to helping him really focus his studies at university and landing him a fantastic job designing components for helicopters when they where still a relatively recent invention, then to managing the maintenance of the largest fleet of civil rotorcraft in Europe at the time.
So how did it stop ? We’re you his partner when he was wetting the bed ? How would a new partner deal with that ? Thank you for the positive post . I am sorry for your loss he sounded like a very positive man .
I can't really remember what he told me, if he told me, he still found it all quite embarrassing.
I think it might of been triggered by stress, but he never gave me a straight answer, I don't know if he really knew the reason himself.
We didn't start dating till he was 28, although we had known each other for about 5 years he had always politely declined my advances, by then he was in a comfortable job and the stresses of education where far behind him, so I guess that's why he kept me waiting so long.
I am here! I'm a 17 yr old boy, I've had chronic bedwetting issues since I was very young. I wear diapers every night. I've always had to deal with it and had the burden if it on my mind throughout life. I've realized overtime that it's a disability where there is nothing to be ashamed of; having to wear and use diapers for my bedwetting is like a wheelchair for someone who cant walk. Overall bedwetting made me realize that my life is still in control by me, not my bedwetting; meaning I've learned to cope with the negative effects and overall be happy with what I still have, and look for brighter futures.
Im sorry to hear she is suffering from the unbearably annoying bedwetting. Let her know there are millions of people out there with the same problem at the same age, and I'm an example of one. If she or you needs to talk I'm always open; I'm sorry to hear that shes going through this, and I hope for the best.

Thank you so much fir replying I will share this with her . The big thing is obviously relationships . But people do have relationships with these issues . I will share this with her snd thank you !