Hi, I've recently joined this group. My daughter is 7 and has been having poo/wee accidents since potty training at 2. She can sometimes go a couple of weeks with no issues but then she'll be wet and soiled several times in a week. I'm at a loss as to how to help her. I've tried reward charts, praise, ignoring, shouting (😔), everything I can think of but she is still having issues. I don't know whether there's a medical problem or she's constipated and/or not drinking enough. I've read a few posts where there seems to be wetting issues or soiling issues but not both. Could they be related? Has anyone else had any experience they could share with me please. I'd like to think it's not bothering me and I'm coping but I read some of the posts from other people and I think about how I've shouted at her at times and it just makes my cry. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading.
7 Year old daughter who keeps wetting and soiling her... - ERIC
7 Year old daughter who keeps wetting and soiling herself

The wetting will be happening because she is backed up. Essentially you need to disimpact her on an osmotic laxative abd once completed keep her on a maintenance dose to prevent tge impaction happening again.
Thank you for your reply. Is it possible for her to be constipated but showing no signs of it, no sore tummy, no complaints that she can't go etc? My middle daughter is sometimes constipated and it really bothers her.
My son had wetting and pooing accidents. I gave quite an overview of our situation and the challenges we faced and how hopefully we’ve overcome it on another post on Friday. Rather than repeat here’s the link to the other post:
Thank you for your reply. Do you think it was just the hydration that was the problem? Or a mixture of that and constipation. As I just replied to the post above, she's showing no typical symptoms of constipation (tummy pains, having trouble going etc)
My son didn’t show any signs of constipation the reason we originally went to the doctors was wee and poo accidents and nothing helping even reward charts which worked for everything else. We were told the fact that it was both sorts of accidents and it wasn’t responding to reward charts that in all likelihood it was something else and the first thing to try was medicine for constipation. Once on the medication and to the right dose and while he was at nursery we had periods where he was ok. Over the summer in the holiday before He started at school (where we were more in charge of eating and drinking was the best he’d ever been). It then went to pot when he started school which is when the hydration problems started. So long winded answer but for us as things stand today we believe it’s hydration and constipation are the causes.