My daughter mastered potty training very young, before she turned 2 - all was going well until Christmas time when she became constipated and passed a really hard and painful stool. Since then she has been refusing to go on the toilet for poos, withholding it for days until she loses control of her bowel and souls herself. We have just done the disimpaction treatment using Movicol and are currently trying to find our maintenance dose. She still refuses to use the toilet or even tell us when she needs to go. Only letting me know after she has pooed in her knickers. She acknowledges that the poo is “nice and soft” and doesn’t hurt but I can’t get her to sit on the potty or toilet without a meltdown. (She will happily sit on there to do a wee - it’s just poo she has an issue with)
I’ve tried encouraging her with incentives but she is just not interested. How do I get her over her fear and going on the toilet?! Any advice/tips will be greatly appreciated.