Seen the incontinence team last Friday .dd who is now 6.6 years old all this started 3 years Ago . incontinence of urine not stool issue .we know she can hold a certain amount of fluid she drank 500 ml in a hour bladder scan showed 129ml in bladder .my dd goes in hospital over night in August to have a camera down and urodymanics studies to be done . There is a link with hyper mobility she was diagnosed at 18 months old being double jointed she a bright girl doing very well in school not behind she not on the austic spectrum sits on toilet for bowls goes everyday large amount type 4 to 5 .there do seem to be a link why hyper mobility I'm finding .anyone else has a child incontinence of urine who is hyper mobility ???? X
A up to date been a while hyper mobility : Seen the... - ERIC
A up to date been a while hyper mobility
My 7 year old son has Hypermobility too. We've had urine and soiling accidents for 5 years. I asked the consultant in London about Hypermobility and she did say it was hindering his recovery. He's been chronically constipated and now has a distended bowel which is going to take 2 years to go back to normal - that's 2 years without being constipated. I feel your pain. Xx
I have heard this before, also with DCD dyspraxia. I asked consultant and OT and both said that they have heard of links being made but no scientific evidence yet as to the exact mechanism.
My daughter only has wet accidents, and has been bad since starting school last year, very concerned about moving to new class in September. I have Hypermobility, she hasn't been diognosed. But hadn't made a connection before.
Hi Heidi. That's interesting. My son is 16 still wet every night if unmedicated and has hypermobilty - only really evident in his hands. His siblings also hyper mobility in hands especially awkward because of holding pen - older sister more affected than him and older brother less than him. Is there a history of autoimme conditions in your family?