My youngest son, aged 4, soaks through nighttime pull ups or pyjama pants every night. I have tried lifting him but he gets furious at being woken and won’t pee. I have reverted back to Pampers baby dry nappies size 6+ as these are the only protection he doesn’t soak through. He’s in reception and it’s not good for his self esteem to be in nappies. He doesn’t like it but I don’t know what product to use. Can anyone recommend a super absorbent pull up or something?
Soaking through pull ups: My youngest son, aged... - ERIC
Soaking through pull ups

I have a similar problem with my 6 year old. He now wears 2 night time pull ups on top of each other and is rarely leaking.
I'm afraid my 6 year old son still wears size 6+ nappies, as they are a lot cheaper than pull-ups. He doesn't seem too bothered though, although I don't know how we would cope if he was invited to a sleepover etc.
Pull ups slip and move as your child moves around while sleeping. This means that the pull up doesn't fit correctly as it gapes around the legs. This then causes leaking. With a tab style nappy this doesn't happen as it doesn't gape around the legs when your child moves. A nappy will provide better protection during the night. There is a leaflet about night time wetting on here if you haven't already had a look.
I'd stick with Pampers if they are working and you are both okay with wearing them. We moved from Pampers to Drynites and had nothing but leaks, recently moved back to pampers and daughter is happy to not be waking up wet. Saves us a fortune in washing and the extortionate cost of Drynites!
We have tried them all and only thing that worked for us is the Drynights pants. Size 4-7. The rest are useless and my boy refuses a nappy 🤨