My 5 year old daughter potty trained successfully but has regularly fallen back into spells of wee accidents. We are in a bad spell at the moment, has anyone had any similar experience?
Constant accidents: My 5 year old daughter potty... - ERIC
Constant accidents
Has she recently started school? My daughter had quite a few accidents in primary 1. I think it was a combination of having a bit of a twitchy bladder anyway and being too shy to ask to go in time. It helped when i spoke to her teacher who privately let her know she could go whenever she needed and not to worry..
She was wet at night all through this period but the daytime stuff improved after the first school year.
Hope that helps a bit.
Accidents are very common in the early years setting of school (work as a TA) little things like Alibee mention having the confidence to ask to go in class, maybe a quick word with the teacher to see what she's like it class and how much she's drinking during the day. Also my son often had issue with getting too in grossed with something that he just didn't leave enough time. Her ta or teacher can help by reminding her to go after lunch or during play times.
Thanks for the replies. My daughter will have a dry day & then a bad one, no rhyme or reason to it. The head has asked us to take her to the GP to rule out anything. We have already done this. I am waiting for some materials from the school nurse. It's such a pain for the teachers to have to constantly deal with this & I worry that other kids will make comments.
In my experience of new starters they are unaware of what other children are doing as their scope of the universe is their own bubble and don't see past that for a few years to come so I wouldn't worry about what others are thinking yet.
The TA and teachers are used to accidents on a regular basis. Have a chat with them and the nurse about your concerns and have a personal care plan drawn up at school so they are aware of their responsibility and their role in helping you and your little one through this tough time.
Best wishes G
We have been going through this and what has helped is cutting out fruit juice and squash so she only drinks milk or water. We think she has an overactive bladder that is aggravated by those drinks and she just couldn't get to the toilet in time.