Hi, my 4 year old has always had diarrhoea on and off. It’s not a tummy bug. She’s happy and not ill. It’s not overflow poo. Her bowel movements will be a nice solid log for a few days then the next complete liquid. Last time we saw a Gp they said it’s toddler diarrhoea. A sample showed no bugs or anything.
I’ve had to resign from my job because it’s not possible for school to deal with. Friday for example by 1pm they rang me as she needed a shower. School obviously can’t cater for her needs. It takes someone ages to clean her up ( it’s horrific) and that obviously takes up a member of staff. It’s at least two days every week.
I have to work my notice so I have no idea how I’m gonna get through the next few weeks. I’m january I’m going to work nights! So if she’s needing collecting I will just go without sleep! There’s no other solution.
How do people cope with a kid with permanent diarrhoea? There’s no way school can meet her needs. They try but it’s too hard!