I am concerned over how many toilet accidents my 10 year old son has. He seems to wet himself every few weeks and soils himself just as much. He has no medical problem that I am aware of and I am inclined to think he is just leaving it too late or is distracted.
He was late to be dry at night (around 8 years old) and wore nappies at night. We took him out of them when we found that he was weeing (and on a few occasions pooing) his nappy in the morning/evening awake whilst awake. After taking him out of them he was dry almost immediately so part of me thinks was just being lazy.
For example yesterday he pooed his pants in on the way home from the park. He was slightly embarrassed and said he had been holding it since we left the house. We don't live far away and if he had said we could have gone home.
Whenever he has a bad tummy he will have accidents. I have been called by his school several times to say he has wet himself. He wet himself on a flight this summer.
His younger brother age 7 has never really had daytime accidents (although he is still not dry at night) even when he has been unwell.
Any advice would be great!