I had a robot assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy (RALP) at the age of 70 two years ago. Related inguinal hernia repair one year ago. Male urinary sling implanted one month ago. The RALP surgery supposedly was nerve sparing, but no natural erections have occurred since. Doctor says I am likely as healed as I will ever be, but I hope he's wrong. I have used a VED for penile rehab since the surgery and now use Trimix with success. The incontinence struggle lasted two years, with stress incontinence being the only leakage and then only during high times of exercise like pickleball and swinging a golf club and trail hiking. The sling has resolved that thankfully, but I am still only one month post-surgery and haven't done anything highly physical yet.
The Mayo clinic site has become too technical, FrankTalk is too implant-oriented, and NAFC has become too restrictive to follow, so I am hoping that this site is easy to use and informative. I will have questions to ask, and anecdotes to share when asked.