In 2016 I had a radical prostectomy after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. After surgery I developed ED, in the last 4 years I have tried pretty much every treatment with no real success. My last option is a penile implant, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the implants?
Penile implant: In 2016 I had a radical... - Erectile Dysfunct...
Penile implant

I have a penile implant. Got it in 2016.
May I ask about your experience of the procedure and how things are after 3-4 years. Also May I ask about scaring is it hugely noticeable?
Please do not listen to the negative replies from anyone that does not have a penile implant. Unless they have a penile implant, they talk through hear say. You have a lot of answers from those who has the implant already. Go for it.
I have made my mind up to go for the surgery, it helps to get information from those that have already had the procedure. This is pretty much the last option to try to get some semblance of a sex life back.
I had one implanted about three months ago. Best thing I ever did. And don’t fall for the inevitable stories about how painful the recovery is. I didn’t even use up the pain killers I was given. Naturally, you will experience discomfort and low level pain at the incision site for a couple of weeks. I had zero pain in the penis though. My advice is to go for it then go nail a few ladies!
The biggest draw back I see to the Cock implant, is there is NO MIND /ERECTION connection. It is a mechanical erection. You pump up the cock, at will, usually before love making, then start to "perform". There is little see something erotic, get stimulated, start to feel your cock get hard, and the sexual excitation increasing to the POINT of orgasm.. None of that.. It is more like PUMP UP...try to get simulated, if guy is a TOP, penetrate his partner, gets his partner off, pulls out, then tries in his own way to manipulate himself to get an orgasm. This is way to mechanical for me.. I do not know about you. There are a few different types of implants . I am not expert. Someone told me one type gets vary hard, and remains more rigid in "flaccid state". The other more flexible, and does not get as hard.
I do agree it is a bit too mechanical, however I have tried everything else and it does not work well enough for my wife. After nearly 4 years of trying everything else, we need something that will work.
I know what you mean about the mind-etection connection, but you can still have a build-up of sensation and mental excitement to go with it. The mechanics are taken care of, but YOU are doing the rest, experiencing the rest...and you can have as long an erection as you want, post orgasm.
Read Miket218 and Dale112. They love it.
If an implant is the only option to have a sex life...get it!
I know two men that have had the penal implant. They do maintain a certain level have erectile behavior. This protrudes through your pants so you always look like you have a full package or a partial erection
If the AMS 700 implant is used there is no protrusion through one’s pants. It goes flat it when the owner deflates it and it can be pumped up in less than a minute.
Thank you for the information, that is one of the options I have been given. The other is the Coloplast Titan
I have had a penile implant for about four years and I highly recommend it. All I can say is a lot of guys prefer a manual to an automatic and I now have a manual.
Hi Bikerman65,
I developed ED Post-Prostatectomy in 2004 and was not satisfied with any of the following Treatments: PDE5 Inhibitors (Viagra, etc.), Penile Injections, VED (Vacuum Erection Device). In 2007 I opted for the Coloplast Titan Penile Implant Procedure which completely corrected my ED and restored both my sex life and self confidence.
My wife and I have been fully enjoying my Titan Implant for the past 12+ years and counting!!
Hope this has been helpful.
Best Wishes,