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My friend Randy told me about this site. I had a penile implant put in last year: Titan Touch with Bioflex 18cm w/ 1 rte. I am extremely happy with it and wold be happy to share info.

15 Replies
sammyd123 profile image

My urologist keeps suggesting a penile implant for me. I am very interested in your experiences with it. I need to know pros, and cons, if any. Please share. If you are on Medicare, as I am, did it, along with your supplement, pay for the surgery? Where did you have it done?

Thanks for any info you can share.

in reply to sammyd123

It is important to know that a penile implant must be after trying everything else. The corpus cavernosa is pretty much wiped out (the part of the penis that has the erectile tissue) in order to insert the erection tubes of the prosthesis. So, after a radical prostatectomy (RP) which I received, it is good to wait about two years after the procedure to make sure that the nerves (which are supposedly spared in the operation) heal and a natural erection takes place. From my experience and exposure, this is rare, and the erections are never as good after an RP. Also, a good 1 1/4" plus or minus of the urethra is removed in the RP, so penile length is lessened. This attributes, in my opinion, to the rumblings among implant recipients that the implant reduces length. This is a myth. The penile implant neither lengthens nor shortens the penis.

Because I was covered under my wife's insurance and her teaching schedule, I went for the implant 21 months after my RP. Incontinence went away after 3 months (and some serious Kegelling). I have had correspondence with many Implant patients who tell me that Medicare and their supplements paid completely for the surgery (as did my insurance). Erectile Dysfunction was huge for me and nothing worked: pills, MUSE, vacuum erection device (VED) and I did not go for the injections. AS a result, I went with the recommendation of my urologist.

Please note that if you are not on a penile rehabilitation regimen via the VED you should go on it IMMEDIATELY. It will maintain (and in some cases restore) penile length and maintain blood flow.

Cons: Not much. The main thing is psychological. Right after the procedure, I regretted the operation. The presence of pain and the existence of strange foreign objects in your penis and scrotum have an unnerving effect. This lasts for about 6 to 8 weeks, even though some recipients tell me that they have never regretted it and the pain went away after a week, so results vary.

Also, my implant (a Titan Touch) stays stiffer than a normal penis in the flaccid state. As a result, underwear becomes an issue. After a year, I swear by briefs unnervingly referred as "enhancement underwear," (Check John Sievers or Adacio and others) as it has a perfect tailoring to accommodate implanted penis. Besides, I kind of like the slightly stiffer flaccid penis now. (There are guys out there who say that they love showing off in the locker room, as the flaccid penis in a Titan or AMS CX is sized as the same length as the erect penis, just not as stiff, so it has the effect of being rather large.)

Pros: The implant is WONDERFUL! Sex is no longer an issue. After six months, you forget that the implant is there. The main thing is that sex becomes NORMAL again. In other words, it no longer becomes something that needs preparation; with the exception that you go from an automatic to a manual.

That being said, the main Pro is that, in my case and many others, sex is far superior than it has ever been. I'm not exaggerating. The erections are far stiffer than I have ever had in my life including teen years and young twenties. No more worrying about the "sorry dear" phenomena where you lose your erection. No more worrying about that either (in that case, no worrying about accidental erections at the worst possible time either).

My wife experienced painful intercourse due to many factors. The less than fuly stiff erections created friction, and the fact that my penis would get stiff, than slightly flaccid, then stiff, etcetera, during intercourse caused pain. Now the new erections are ridiculously stiff (and smooth) and my wife receives far less or no pain. (Don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can hold a towel up with the erection. You can hold a WET towel up with the erection.)

If you have experienced ED and have exhausted other avenues, I would highly recommend an implant. At this time, I have nothing but joy in it.

sammyd123 profile image
sammyd123 in reply to

Thanks, Charsleroig, for your post. I had RP in November, 2005 and have exhausted every possible remedy, from all the pills to all the injectable stuff. I had one natural erection as a result of Levitra, but it only lasted a minute or two. I still have several natural erections during a normal night, and if I get really sexually excited, I can get a little bit of an erection, but when I move around at all, they are gone. My wife or I can stimulate my penis and have a partial erection, but nothing that will allow penetration. I can still have a self stimulated orgasm, and it is very intense, but nothing like having sexual intercourse with my wife. It has been a very long, frustrating, eleven years for both of us.

My urologist has suggested the Coloplast Titan OTR. That sounds like the same one you have. I am 67 years old now, was 56 when I had the RP, we are both retired, and being home a lot now with my wife just makes the desire even more. I have a yearly checkup with my urologist next month, and will discuss this again with him. He has suggested this for the past 5 years, and I have been very reluctant. I will get more serious when talking to him. He said he thought Medicare would pay for it, and I'll definitely check it out to see.

Thanks, again,


in reply to sammyd123

You are WAY OVERDUE! Get an implant ASAP.

in reply to sammyd123

Yes I have the Coloplast Titan OTR. Once you get the hang of it (no pun intended) the pump is easy to work. I won't kid you; it takes a while to practice. It's a tough thing, having to constantly study, exercise and work at your penis, but you'll get used to it.

sammyd123 profile image
sammyd123 in reply to

When you have an orgasm, charlesroig, do you ejaculate anything? I ejaculate urine sometimes, and I don't want to deposit that in my wife. If so, do you wear condoms?

Also you mentioned wearing enhancing underwear. I wear the underwear that has the pouch in it already because of the crushing effect on my penis and testicles. Is that the kind of underwear you are talking about? Mine has no padding, as some brands have, so everything in the pouch is mine, and is pretty full. Would I need underwear with a larger pouch?

Thanks, Sam

in reply to sammyd123

When I first got orgasms, I ejaculated urine. After a

three years since my RP and aggressive Kegels, I now don't ejaculate anything. So I don't use condoms.

I get enhancing underwear with the biggest pouch I can find. (No padding; definitely don't need it). Check out brands like Adacio and John Sievers. Those are the ones that I get. Adagio low rise briefs are currently on sale (on some site) for 12 bucks each.

dale112 profile image
dale112 in reply to

I echo Charlesroig reply. I had the ams cx penile implant surgery on April 1, 2016 (talk about irony of a date). Was the best decision that I have ever made, after my RP in 2010. For me, the Viagra worked for a few years, then I had to go on bi-mix, (penile injections) which really worked very well. Then the bi-mix started to fail. Before the doctors could upgrade to tri-mix, I had open heart surgery.

So the only option left to me was the penile implant.

I must say, that as a gay man, I was worried that other gay men would not be very accepting of my implant. Of course, I do not tell everyone of my implant. For the ones that did find out, they were jealous that I was able to stay erect for as long as I wanted.

As Charlesroig, stated, my erections are also harder and stronger than when I able to achieve an erection naturally.

So, after all options have been used in trying to achieve erections, talk to your urologist to see if you qualify for a penile implant.

Bill_Moore profile image

Medicare only pays 80% if you don't have a suppliment.

in reply to Bill_Moore

Exactly. That is why a supplemental plan is super important; not just for implants, but everything.

Bill_Moore profile image
Bill_Moore in reply to

Not everyone can afford the suppliment. I am disabled and even with wife working FT, cannot afford ins for her except catistrophic insurance. Feel greatful you can afford supplimental

in reply to Bill_Moore

Boy I wish I could figure something out. I found plans (through Blue Cross Health Care Advantage) that had no cost addition if you went HMO but I went PPO. Maybe you could give BCBS a call. 877-774-8592.

sammyd123 profile image
sammyd123 in reply to Bill_Moore

I do have a supplement too.

You should be okay then. Sometimes you need to be persistent, but I have been in correspondence with many men who get implants while on Medicare and supplemental insurance. I sure hope you can get it.

Vitruviusman profile image

Charles, I would like to hear more about the functionality of this implant. My private email is: mineo.keith@gmail.com Sometimes I just do not feel comfortable with public display of some of these very personal issues... I was offered 2 different types of these penal implants. This new type, forgot the name, must better than old type. because 1) Your dick does not shrink by an inch as I was told the older implant causes 2) It is more responsive and functional , and 3) gets harder. Plus it can be removed with a simple incision as oppose to the older implant. IN any case, I am more interested in your personal first hand, pun not intended, experience of this implant is.. Thank you , Keith

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