Has anyone had success with a mirena coil? - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone had success with a mirena coil?

Yes...it's been liberating and absolutely marvellous.
Oh yes. Give it a whirl been brilliant. Have to be patient whilst it settles but if it works you wont want to let go..BFF!! LOL Xx
Thanks I have already tried two but they didn't work after 3 months so I gave up..... After speaking to lots of my friends that have them they have confirmed the mirena can take up to 9 months to work? Thanks guys you have both given me the vonfidence to give another one a shot xxxxx
I'm 3 wks post mirena fitting. Maaaaahhhhhhhooooosive improvement ! I was told to give it 9 months to settle. I had a whole week totally bleed free (longest in years !!) then a 'period' last week. Bleed was not heavy , pain about the same as usual and now I seem to be stopping again. I tried the mirena in absolute desperation after 11 yrs of suffering (really didn't want one !) so far, (everything crossed !) I am better than before.I read way too many horror stories and nearly cancelled but am so glad I didn't. Go for it and good luck ! Let us know how you get on. It'd be great to hear more positives xxxx
Me too - love it!!
Four months in and only bleeding lightly but every day still. Unfortunately it hasn't stopped the pain. Has the coil helped anyone with actual pain because I don't understand if I'm not getting big period bleeds, why I am still in so much pain. Can anyone help?
Yes that is also the big thing for me I dont have problems with heavy periods only terrible pain around ovulation and a week before period due. Has it helped with the pain?
in my case when my periods stopped so too did my ovulation pain and the bulk of period cramps pain, but still get the odd sharp twinge and tweek as i call them. They can be quite sudden, and catch me off guard a bit, and annoying at times, but nothing at all to compare with the pains of before. more like a stitch after exercise. Even then it's not too often.
certainly a vast improvement, and simply not having to worry about when i would come on, how long for and how heavy was such a relief.
i had very heavy periods, i couldn't leave the bathroom let alone the house sometimes, it helped massively with this, but it took about 4 months to do that, it then caused my periods to be very irregular and some quite weird discharge (sorry if TMI) by around 9 months after it going in it did seem to settle and i would have a period anything from 2-4 weeks but it was manageable, and plus i kept bleeding, lightly, everyday up until around 15 months of it being in......from a pain point of view it did nothing, in fact the first 6 weeks or so the pain got much worse, i stuck it out for 18 months altogether, it was removed last week during my lap and i had an ablation done as i didnt see any point to it being in if it wasn't helping with the pain, and hopefully the ablation will help with the bleeding, i also had a lot of hair shedding within the first few months of it being it in, and have little thin patches on top which is my main reason i wanted it out, i didnt like the side effects.
everyone is different, i hear a real mixed range of stories, for some women it works miracles, and i think it should be tried at the very least, and give it plenty of time to settle, a few weeks is not long enough, minimum of 6 months, preferably more, i went through so many different stages with mine but for me i was promised 'no periods therefore no pain' and it simply did not do this, i feel i gave it long enough to settle though xx
Hmmm that's interesting thanks I had no periods naturally for 2 years and still had loads of pain. My pain does not seem to be connected with the bleeding in fact it can be constant sometimes