i woke up this morning and its not changed .....i dont know how much longer i an cope with this....i was expecting something positive from accupuncture...and in stead left with so much pain my legs feel weak....i want to keepcrying in hope it goes away....i dont know wat to do....if anyone has any advice i would really appreciate it.....xxxxx
i dont know wat to do...: i woke up this... - Endometriosis UK
i dont know wat to do...

i dont know what to say as i've never had acupuncture, but maybe you should see a doctor if its left in this much pain xxx
What kind of pain? is this bruising of the skin or deeper pain? Pain on breathing for exmple? Or is your skin discoloured or showing signs of swelling at the site where each needle went in?
I've never had accupuncture, but I can see from googling that there can be substantial adverse effects, from an allergic reaction to the needles, or the sterillising agents, to introducing infection in to the skin, or accidentally damaging internal organs.
If the pains are all over the area that you were treated and not beyond that, then it would suggest a reaction to the needles or sterilisers. Anti-hystamines could help calm them down, /hay fever tablets. Or hydrocortizone creams.
If the pain is only in one part of the area treated then that would point to something being damaged by one or two of the needles, and you should get looked at by a doc.
If the pains are remote from the location of the treatment, ie heart or breathing problems then straight to A&E please.
Have you called NHS direct to see what they say about it?
What meds have you taken for the pain so far? Anti-inflamatories or just regular pain killers?
Hi Missee,
Hope you're feeling better today. I agree that you should see your GP if you're having ongoing pain.
I've been having acupuncture for over a year and the first time I had it done I felt very achy and fluey. Apparently this can be normal if the acupuncturist really 'went for it' and perhaps they need to be more gentle next time. I am a great advocate of acupuncture as it's really helped my endo symptoms and has given me the impetus to change my diet and lifestyle too. Hopefully your acupuncturist will have done a holistic assessment before doing treatment. I must say it would be extremely unusual for the needles to have damaged anything as they only go in a little way. Make sure your acupuncturist is a member of the British Acupuncture Council acupuncture.org.uk as this will mean he/she is properly trained and acredited.
Best of luck with your treatments, please don't let it put you off. After feeling rubbish after the first session I've been fine ever since! Have a chat to your acupuncturist if worried.
Hope you are ok xxx
p.s, you can find scare stories about anything on the internet!!!
thnaxs for all your advice....the pain is from my rib cage down to my knees....ive been taking my normal pain killlers and adding some i have relly bad shooting pains to...i thing i will ring nhs direct....thanxs to all...xxxxxx
I have severe pain after acunpucture . I think it is due to the needles being put too deep.
It will get better . Thinking of you take care