Accupuncture and herbs: I had another great... - Endometriosis UK

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Accupuncture and herbs

lillyflower profile image
12 Replies

I had another great accupuncture today and feeling good tonight after one of the worst few weeks. Today he has given me herbal medicine which should help with the inflammation and pain and hoping I can reduce the codeine as makes me so woozy when I'm trying to work.

I was just wondering if anyone else has tried this I'm just trying anything at the moment while I wait for a lap to confirm what's going on inside me.

Fingers crossed for a good week and hope that even though it tastes like bitter cellery and pretty disgusting it gives me some more relief!

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lillyflower profile image
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12 Replies
neal07 profile image

Where do you go for acupuncture? I stay in South East London. How can I find a good one around. Do they do on your belly....i heard it hurts. These types of treatments are so much better than these hormonal ones. I am totally fedup by these hormonal treatments. I decided to totally stop them for a while and go on for these alternative treatments. Please let me know.

lillyflower profile image

Hi I go to someone in fleet its about half hour drive for me, but he was recommended. A friend goes to someone in London that specialises in migraines and he searched on the web and made sure they were qualified. I'll happily give you details for mine but may be one closer to you. He put me at ease from the minute I met him. We chat for over half an hour about what symptoms I've had and have looked at changing my diet ie less caffeine and drinking hot soups and iron rich foods. He then does about an hour of accupuncture. My first one he did a few needles which feels like a little pin prick and as he taps it in I tell him when I feel it but then you feel a tingling. For example today had one in my ankle felt a tingle going into my ankle and foot and then moving toward my knee. It's hard to explain but its like I can feel the blood moving round my body. Each week depending on my symptoms he does different points. Today my right pelvis was hurting so every needle on my right side was very sensitive. I feel tingly and a bit tired tonight but no pain just some tingling. Is definitely recommend trying it I've been going for 3 Months and always feel better afterwards. I actually look forward to it and can even look at the needles now! I started with my eyes firmly closed but although there's a little pain like pricking yourself with a needle it soon fades and he has been more helpful with explaining what some of my symptoms maybe more than any doctor.

I've read up a lot on hormone treatment and it doesn't sound nice. Also it would stop any chance of fertility so I thought this was worth a go.

My accupunctureist has told me he is treating another lady with endo and she is finding it a great benifit as part of Chinese medicine is about moving blood which is stagnant.

The main difference that has dramatically changed is I suffered with horrendous blood clots which caused increased pain. I've hardly had any for over a month now! It's not going to get rid of all pains but I take painkillers as needed rather than all the time now. I'm hoping the herbal medicine will mean I can reduce the codeine to even less. Fingers crossed just had my next dose it Realy is disgusting but a chocolate to wash it down helped!!

I think anything is worth a try so see if there's someone near you , and you just pay for each time so you don't have to carry on if you don't like it. If you'd like the info on mine just let me know and ill forward his details.

I hope that helped explain is very hard to discribe but worth every penny!

lillyflower profile image

Sorry forgot to say yes he does my belly but only after using a heat lamp which is heaven and cupping and then uses extra fine Teflon needles as then its more relaxed and only puts them in enough to feel. If I'm having a bad day he sometimes just uses cups but does points on my knee and feel that link to these points so if its too painful they can use other points!

neal07 profile image

It sounds lovely...I'll definitely search online one near me. Any pain is good compare to the endo pain. Glad to hear you benefited with this therapy. My problem is bleeding, like any time of the month..coz I have bilateral endometriomas. The body gets puzzled with the different hormones and starts to work in an alien manner.

I used to go for reflexology for a year. I was kind of good and relaxing too. Anyway have to find an alternative than relying on medicines. The pills and injection drags to chronic depression too. I will definitely give it a try..just finding a trustworthy acupuncturist is a big task.

Thanks so much for explaining it so well. I'm sure other people on this site will benefit from it xxx.

Louisaa profile image

I had Accupuncture for about 3-4 months - after my lap. Conceived!!! Now 22 weeks pregnant. May have been a flook but willing to try anything! I'd Definately have it again x

Hilary100 profile image

Some clinics do a multi bed option which often works out cheaper (it's so hard to afford complementary treatment!)

What usually happens in a multi-bed clinic is that you have a consultation in private and then lie on a couch separated from other clients by a curtain. The needles are put in and you are left for a short time to allow them to work.

We have several low cost clinics in Brighton and I'm sure there will some in London. Do check out the register of acupuncturists so that you know they are properly qualified.

Several years ago I had acupunture for my endo and following it I managed to get pregnant so I really think it's worth a go.

Kaff profile image

Hi,I have recently been diagnosed with endo.

I have been using reflexology which I have found very helpful in managing pain,it also helped me prepare for sugery,which I had on 14th Feb as I have had previous bad experience recovering fron the aneasthetic from my lap 4 years ago.

Stig profile image

I have had a combination of acupuncture and chinese herbs for over a year now and the turn around has been incredible. It is now the ONLY treatment I have and I am slowly decreasing the number of appointments that I have to have (I now go every 6-8 weeks). Although it's a real financial strain and it isn't everyones bag it has completely changed my experience of endo and I would recommend everyone to try it.

lillyflower profile image

Hi thanks for your comments and falling pregnant too that's fantastic congratulations I'm hoping we may be able to work in fertility once I have my lap and have tubes tested qto see if its possible but fingers crossed. It's great to hear this has worked for you too I'm having another good day and this is normally my bad week! I agree it is a big cost but as I never feel like going to the pub or out for a meal the money I would spend on that is going into accupuncture instead. I pay £42 a setion and go every 2 week's although first month I went weekly and hopefully will be monthly eventually once its under control not sure how long that takes. I spoke to a nurse at my doctors and was told there are doctors that do it on NHS butonly about 10 mins with a few needles. I'm normally there for about 1 1/2 hours so haven't looked into it as not sure it would be as good but maybe worth asking as if you can have it would be a good taster.

If you look for someone definately check they have the qualifications and if you can ask around for a recomondation even better.

After reading all you comments I'm even more convinced that this is the way to go and great to hear you have had great experiences from it.

Neal07 I'm sure this is worth looking into as he's always talking about moving blood and getting things working properly. Id love to hear from you if you decide to give it a go and hope if you do it helps you. When I first called him I explained my situation and he knew all about endo and was sure he could help. Sometimes I think he understands it more than me !!

Its lovely to hear some great stories of hope too so thankyou for your replies wishing you all a pain free day x

lillyflower profile image

Oh forgot to say my friend who has had headaches every day and suffers from depression has had accupuncture and is now only having headaches once or twice a month and is feeling much better too so It may help with depression too. I get down and fed up sometimes when the pain is bad and I always feel better and more positive afterwards. It could be the relaxation or the needles but I always feel better x

lubylu profile image

i have been considering acupuncture as an alternative for a while now. everyone seems so positive about it....... can anyone recommend an acupuncturist in the Warrington, Cheshire area? or maybe south Manchester? thankyou xxx

lillyflower profile image

I found this link for accupuncture council there's a search box to find one in your area. Although a referral is great I thought it might be useful to anyone that wants to look into it. At the bottom of page it explains Accupuncture for endo.

I've only had positive feedback on here and talking to friend and my option is anything is worth a try! I hope you find someone who can help you x

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