I just wanted to share my story with others to say it can get better
I had been suffering since 15 years old (now 41) and it wasn't until four years ago i was diagnosed properly ,when we moved house and changed my GP that it all got sorted out. I have had three children ,and had finally had enough of the pain and bleeding all the time, I decided myself I wanted a hystorectomy , this is when my new GP questioned my reasons for hystorectomy ,I explained and she said it sounded like endo and why hadn't I been treated sooner ! Well my shock at her actually knowing anything about it ! She refered me to guildford a doc Kent , he and his team was amazing , I had a lap to diagnose properly then found out how bad it was! My womb was stuck to bowel , my overlies we're like tennis balls and the endo was every where, I was in pain but they said I should have been doubled over with how bad it was inside. But after 20 + years you get used to dealing with the pain. Anyway I was on monthly zoladex to reduce it before I had a full complete hystorectomy and a part of my bowel removed , I was very scared as they did say I could end up with a bag . But it was a risk I was willing to take to live a pain free life again.
I was glad I did, they had a bowel Surgion as well as an endo Surgion and the opp was 4 hours long all done keyhole . And no bag ! I was relieved and elated and emotional after, the pain I used to have had gone the only pain I had after was from surgery ,
the after care was very poor on the ward in hospital, so got home as soon as I could, and I can see why more people die on the ward than in surgery that's for sure!!
It took me about five months to get back to normal and that was with good care at home from my husband, children and church friends .so if you do have surgery make sure you have people around you after. I am now on a very low does HRT as I'm high risk thrombosis it is a gel I rub in twice a day it's better that the pill for me, keeps the flushes away and my bone strong.thats the main thing when you have a forced menopause .
But I can honestly say I feel 99% better,I can do so much more now, I've had my family, I've suffered the pain, and now I can live my life , it still feels funny sometimes to wake up in the morning and not have any pain or a pool of blood on the bed!
My prayers are with all of you