Attended the consultant and another appoi... - Endometriosis UK

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Attended the consultant and another appointment in three weeks.

Kb3rry profile image
3 Replies

Well I attended the consultant on Friday. She wanted to take swabs etc however I was in so much pain and bleeding that this could not be done. I was given an injection of Decapetyl to help stop the bleeding etc and was given another appointment for the 15th of June which isnt too long to wait.

I have had terrible pains in my legs since the injection and have developed a pimp style walk which if it wasnt so sore would be quite funny. I am still off my work which is getting my down because there is nothing wrong with my mind, just my damn body wont keep up! When I go back the consultant will carry out tests and book me in for another lap. Also discuss options for the future.

Although things are moving a bit I still feel like I'm stuck in groundhog day. Does anyone else feel like you take a step forward and ten steps back?

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3 Replies
frenchie_lou profile image

Heya, I completely know where your comming from. I had my first lap and got diagnosed in January. They said I would have a follow up within a month to discuss treatment options and I didn't seem anyone till April. By this time I was in so much pain they said they would schedule me in for another lap in June. Two weeks ago I ended up going for an emergency lap for a twisted cyst that had cut off the blood supply to my right ovary. Finally last night I had a mirena coil fitted but then the doctor said it was so difficult to put in the chances are within the next month my body will reject it. As you said feels like you move forward a pace only to go ten paces backwards.

worth71 profile image
worth71 in reply to frenchie_lou

i have the mirena, have had since last july, not getting on too well with it to be honest but i have since found out the one of the side effects of it is it can cause ovarian cysts (which i have and now have a large one), in fact all of the possible side effects of the mirena can be all of the symptoms i have and the reason they put it in but then not everyone experiences all or any side effects - i have pre-menstrual symptoms every 2 wks now instead of the usual 4wks, i can bleed anything from 1 day to 11, there can be 1 day gap or a 10 day gap, its all so very erratic, i still bleed quite heavily, always spotting and some mucousy stuff, i cant remember the last time i did not have to wear a pad as i never know what will appear daily - still have contraction type pains yet i was told it was wonderful and would sort me out a treat - i really hope it helps you though as i do know of other women it has helped, but they generally don't have endo or endo symptoms xx

Kb3rry profile image

Aww I'm sorry to hear that you are in so much pain too and you had to have an emergency op. I was diagnosed in 2007 and have gone through so many treatments I have lost track of the years. I had the mirena coil years ago as well, but was in excrutiating pain with it and they needed to take it out again. Hope you are ok. It feels sometimes that we get nowhere fast. I understand that they try different things but it prolongs the pain for us. And its also the emotional turmoil we go through as well as the physical. Hope you keep well and I hope you get some relief from endo soon. Thanks for your comment. :o) x

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