collapse and I struggled to get home. Not sure what to do ??
Has anyone experienced the feeling that y... - Endometriosis UK
Has anyone experienced the feeling that your body wants to collapse. Walking home today I was aching so much my body felt like it wanted to

If it's like your body has been completely drained of all energy then yes, every time I'm on my period (which is also mostly the only time I get pain) and also for a few days either side I have this :/
Its hard to explain but my body just felt like it had enough, what normally is a 10 minute walk home took me over half an hour.
That used to happen to me. Lack of energy plus top of thighs felt numb. Been fine since lap. What treatment are you having?
Had surgery last year,then prostrsp for 6months. Currently on the pill and pain management as due to start IVF next month however Endo has come has come back with a vengence
Im in a band and have a physical job, every time i do a gig the min i stop im in agony with my back, legs and a feeling as if ive been drained inside out. Ive just had a lap so nothing to do with wots happening inside just one of those symptoms we cant get rid of according to my gyno. If there is a cure to this id like to know as well my gyno has the attitude of "we fixed you in 2010 and your too young to be in pain" i was kicked out of the clinic as my problems are not surgury related?!?
I have had 6 laproscopic surgery's and I am due my 7th, I have collapsed in pain on many occasions and am used to it now, my hot water bottle is my savoir. To helenharry above, that attitude from your DRS is just wrong my advice would be go and see someone else. Endo can rapidally grow back, and sometimes cant always be seen on an ultasound. Also my Endo attached itself to scar tissue I had from laproscopic surgery, and made things worse. Dont let your clinic right you off. Hope that help you
It is shocking how GP's still dismiss this condition and what we are experiencing. This is the first time that I have felt completely drained that my whole body wants to collapse and give in, exactly the same happened tonight. One minute I am fine the next I am not. Getting frustrated
I get it just before I come on. I get moments where my legs feel like they have no energy left in them and I have been known to fall over because of it. I never even thought that it might be related to endo before I mentioned it to the doctore but as I am just at the very start of getting a diagnosis she has suggested just bearing with it and see what happens.
She did suggest that I made sure I ate little and often to keep my energy levels up as much as possible. This is the first month I am trying it so will see what happens.
Even with nutritious food I'm not sure it makes much difference. I experience the same and describe it like being one of those carton characters that gets squashed flat and then slides to the floor (without the laughs, of course). Sometimes the best course of action is to just stay on the sofa or in bed. I allow myself this sometimes. We have to congratulate ourselves that we get on with our lives as much as we do when lots of the time we're feeling dreadful.
Symptoms like this are what made me decide to get help in the first place. I found myself "trapped" in the centre of town. I usually walk everywhere and think nothing of walking 30+ mins home . That day I realised I was having trouble walking and was in so much pain I was starting to feel nausious and panicy as I had no idea how to get home. Luckily I managed to walk to a taxi rank.... I went home and made a doctors appointment (and took some painkillers) then layed down for the rest of the day. xx
This happens to me too, I have recently had to take time off work again due to chronic pain. It's easing to the bareable stage at the moment but I have zero energy. Even simple things take it out of me. I saw an advert on TV for Berocca fizzy tablet things that are packed with vitamins and claim to give you energy so this is my second day taking them. So far nothing but I'll let you know if they help with lack of energy :o)
Thank you all its good to know its not just me or in my head, going to spend the next couple of days resting and sleeping xx
i too have collapsed with pain before and approx 5 days before my period when i only get mild pain, i get so exhausted that i actually slur my words sometimes, usually when i get like this i have to go have a lie down as i tend to be absolutely freezing as well x
yes i have felt like this before just feel exhausted can be anytime im just walking i just go dizzy and feel weak it feels like your body is totally giving up i have colapsed a few times to i feel my body getting weak and giving up then my eyes went blur and then i just fallen i was actually in tesco with my mum the one time and i had to go outside to get some air because i was about to pass out i could feel myself ready to fall on the floor i had to go home.
I don't always fall but i get the same weak,body giving up feeling a lot