I have spent tbe last 4 days in bed so far with horrendous stomach cramps, lower back pain, awful pain in my legs, pain up my bottom and bleeding as well as passing big clots. If I attempt to start up I feel faint or sick. Dr did attempt to fit me a mirena coil but I couldn't stand the speculum at all and so uncomfortable down there. I am currently waiting to have a diagnostic laparoscopy as they suspect I have endometriosis. I am in awful pain and just feel like I am the only one going through this.
Don't normally post but feeling abit sorr... - Endometriosis UK
Don't normally post but feeling abit sorry for myself today and in so much pain and like I am the only one who goes through this.

Speak to 111, you need to rule out an infection.
It could be endo, but don’t suffer, or at least as little as possible. Not sure if you’re taking painkillers.
Yes taking codeine at the highest dose that can be prescribed. It is not an infection I have been checked for an infection twice in the last 6 months. My period is getting worse every month. Had a ultra sound scan and nothing can be seen on there.
At A& E Friday spoke to pain nurse and gave Tramadol, she said codeine doesn’t work well for endo, if it’s not really working for you speak to GP. I’m taking paracetamol as well
At least ultrasound will have ruled other things out
Can't have tramadol as I am allergy to it unfortunately.
See if GP would refer you urgently to the pain clinic.
It’s hard when allergies get in the way.
I ended up in a&e on Friday night as I couldn't cope with pain at all and was been sick cos of the pain. The drs gave me some OxyContin while I was a&e to improve the pain I was in, just need to wait for my laparoscopy now.
I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain. It’s a shame you couldn’t stand the insertion of the mirena coil. I have the mirena coil and it has been a god send. In fact I’m on my third coil now - I’m 46. I had my second one inserted whilst having the laparoscopy so didn’t feel a thing. Maybe that’s a voice for you?
So hope you get everything sorted. You aren’t alone. Hang in there. Xx☺️
Hi, it's awful I know but you have lots of support as so many of us have been through this or continue to go through this, you aren't the only one and aren't alone. It's hard to not feel that way though. I hope you have some people you can speak to at home, to share just how awful you are feeling. They can't take away your suffering, but might start to read up on things, help you a little more on bad days.
Lots of people have incredible sensitivity down below, so much that they can't tolerate a speculum or internal exams. You aren't alone there. Pelvic physiotherapy can help a lot, but for now you need to just concentrate on getting a diagnosis or things ruled out.
You can do some exercises to try relax your pelvic floor muscles at home, which never do any harm. Have a google for some of those, all simple exercises just need to be done every day. Yoga poses like childs pose, happy baby and as mad as it sounds, visualising relaxing of your pelvis and vagina also really help me.
Feels a bit odd and funny but it SO works. "Breathe in, breathe out and imagine your vagina and your pelvis opening and widening and relaxing"
I had my diagnostic laparoscopy nearly a week ago due to getting a cancellation appointment, I have stage 3 endometriosis. They have found it on my ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix and rectum. They have scraped some of the endometriosis away. Stomach cramps and pain in lower back is awful all the time.
Hello, glad you have your diagnosis that helps mentally knowing you aren’t going bonkers. But when you say scraped away some of it? What’s the plan for the rest? Assuming you are under NHS?
How are you?
It is awful, but you can get through this!
I’m now 1 week post op myself!
Regular pain killers helps, alternate between paracetamol and ibuprofen (Paracetamol then 2 hours later ibuprofen making sure the 4 hours between each dose of paracetamol) usually helps, as you can fit in max doses of both in during the day and will always have pain relief on board! Can still take your codeine alongside too! It’s what I do!
Definitely suggest you call 111 and make sure you don’t have an infection too, as I find things like bladder infections etc make the endo pain 10x worse! And maybe ask for oramorphe. It’s so much better, but ask for laxatives and anti sickness along side it!!
Maybe try some holistic things too. So hot water bottles between your legs and on your belly may help. Heat patches also do the similar thing!
Meditation also helped me when things got really bad. An app called head space is one of the best. Helps with your breathing etc!
But don’t be afraid to ask for help, it sounds like you could really benefit from a consultation by 111 or your GP!
Let us know how you get on! X
Not getting on very well unfortunately, I can't take ibuprofen as I am an asthmatic unfortunately, so I contacted 111 yesterday they told me to contact my gp, they are checking I don't have an infection and get them results tomorrow. I have been prescribed anti sickness tablets as I keep feeling sick with the pain. They have also prescribed my oramorphe which apparently hospital will review when I get my next appointment. So I have had a heat patch on my back, hot water bottle on stomach and hot water bottle on my legs while trying to keep curled up in a ball as much as possible.
Got out of bed today and nearly fainted, my friend had to grab hold of me.
Just so emotional with it at the moment.