Does anyone else get UTI symptoms a lot with their endo? Like burning, needing to go after you've already been but nothing comes out, cloudy pee etc? I used to get it a bit before but after I had my laparoscopy about 8 months ive had it ever since. three months after surgery i finally did a urine sample and i was put on antibiotics but it never fully cleared up, recently i went to do another sample as im still having intermittent symptoms but it came out clean and the doctors said they'll call me as im still having them but it was clear and they never did.
It's been more prominent post surgery and i know i don't do ANY of the risk factors for them like bath bombs, wiping wrong, sex/solo sex, certain underwear etc. Just wondering if anyone else gets this as it's slowly turning me insane having clear tests but knowing that it feels like a UTI.
I do get pain during urination during points in my cycle thats like a deep pain in my bladder/abdomen after during and after i pee, and always always have, but im more on about more urethral pain and UTI symptoms in specific. Thanks