Hello everyone I'm 33 years old and in the passed have suffered an ectopic pregnancy (kept my tubes) and a miscarriage. I've always had issues with bleeding after sex which I had cauterisation for two years ago. This seemed to solve the issue. However in April 2016 I developed a very tender ubmical which got worse and the pain was awful I was told by my gp it a hernia. As time went by and I waited for surgery to fix it the lump got bigger and bigger, discoloured blue/purple in appearance. However the pain was so bad an unbearable I was really struggling to go about normal life. I noticed i then began to bleed from my umbilical, on the third time this happened I realised it happened during my menstral cycle! The gp then realised this wasn't likely to be just an hernia, despite me having this bleeding issue two be before and me telling them this. Fast forward a lot of arguing with the NHS I am now doing down the private route and have a diagnosis of the umbilical module being endo. It's also on my ovaries and I have cysts, including blood cysts. I am waiting Laproscopy surgery.
I would really appreciate anyone's personal wcerianxes if they have had this, I feel pretty alone on this one. It's quiet rare and not much out there to research. I was told by my surgeon to prepare for the fact I may need ivf to get pregnant again. This has been a very stressful and emotional time for me. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes - Lynn 🎀