Symptoms are:
.sciatica several times in cycle, especially during period, right down from bum to bottom of feet
.rib, hip, shoulder and back pain, random shooting stabbing pains and spasms during month but particularly bad before period, can’t lay on hips or ribs few days before period.
.extreme nausea and dizziness about 10 days before period, 1-2 days before it’s deliberating to the point I’m nearly sick
.flu like before period
.loose bowels during period
.very swollen belly before and during period
Very teary in the week leading up, particularly 2 days before bleed.
Symptoms that think I don’t meet the criteria
.naturally conceived two children
.periods are irregular since having second daughter in 2020.
Cycles range from 35-55 days so I only have 8-9 periods a year but they’re extremely heavy with clotting although I am stressed daily and weight fluctuates when I’m stressed and don’t eat.
Another question, has anyone had a positive stool sample (FIT test) that has been from bowel endo? I did a stool sample on Thursday morning but did come on my period Thursday evening. Came back with a very high abnormal score of 207 and been put on the 2ww cancer referral pathway which is terrifying. However I could see blood and now I’m finished my period I can’t. I’m praying for anything but the C word!