I am currently being worked up due to elevated ca125 (50), but have been having clear scans so far. I know ultrasounds aren’t great for picking up endometriosis so I’m pushing for a lap.
I currently have the below symptoms:
- dull pressure/ache in my lower left abdomen , below bellybutton towards hip ( I have had this on and off for 5 years)
- very painful periods but only on the first day. Very hot water bottles are needed to drown out pain.
- large clots, sorry tmi. But I can feel when there is a build up of blood/clot which causes a lot of pain and urges me to use the bathroom. When I push the blood comes out and my pain subsides until next time.
- feeling that I need to poop during first couple of days of period, but most of the time nothing happens. Quite painful
- dull lower back pain if walking/ standing for long periods in the week leading up to period
- constant acne
- occasionally spotting during ovulation( not every cycle)
I don’t have any intense mid cycle pain, my periods are regular (ish) every 24-29 days and last around 5 days.
Does this sound like anyone else’s experience with endometriosis ? How were you diagnosed?